Dark Cross events for Ekeia Iclo

Dark Cross events
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
General Ronovi Tavisaen
Primary reason

For taking the time to create a new report header for my reports, I'd like to request a Dark Cross for Ekeia Iclo as a token of my gratitude.

General Ronovi Tavisaen, 2011-01-24 14:14:14 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Methyas L'eonheart
Primary reason

While it sadened me to see Ekeia go, I know that she has moved on to help the Brotherhood as a whole. Her efforts during the Independence Games were extremely commendable with participation in both "Test Your Mettle" and "Operation: Urgent Transport". Beyond Naga Sadow, her efforts as Magistrate to both the Herald and the Fist as well as her activities as a Professor within the Shadow Academy have gone a long way to help the Brotherhood as a whole. I wish her all the best in Taldryan and it is my honour to bestow a Dark Cross upon Ekeia for her assistance to Naga Sadow and the Brotherhood during the 2011 Independence Games.

Templar Methyas Pepoi L'eonheart Proconsul of Naga Sadow

Methyas L'eonheart, 2011-05-26 18:17:23 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Shikyo Keibatsu
Primary reason

For continued service as a member of the Herald's Office, Ekeia Iclo has provided over 100 lightsaber images, 18 robes, and 75 warbanner images. To date, she is the only member of the Herald's Staff, not including Heralds, to produce this many graphics. For her steadfast dedication to her work and with the authorization from Grand Master, Muz Ashen, I would like to present Ekeia Iclo with a Dark Cross as a minor token of appreciation. Thank you very much for your efforts!<br><br>-DA Shikyo Sasuke Keibatsu<br>Herald of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood

Shikyo Keibatsu, 2012-03-04 18:00:45 UTC