Sapphire Blade events for General Zxyl Bes'uliik

Sapphire Blade events
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

Anubis has been nothing short of a blessing to Taldryan since his return. As a leader, it was my joy to have someone who could be counted on to not only do a project, but get it done on time, satisfactorily, and above all reasonable expectations! This commitment to sacrificing his own time so that the members of our Clan can benefit is exemplified in the amount of work he has completed not only on my wiki projects but that of the entire DB’s! Normally, the completion of a project warrants a merit award, but I am asking that you consider some of the following.<b> While Consul, it was my sole goal to update, revitalize, and revamp the planets and planetary systems that Taldryan possesses. I wrote up a short document for system detailing each planet and then assigned the work to my then Proconsul Vorion and my then Aedile of House Ektrosis, Anubis. Anubis jumped at the chance, took to the work with much enthusiasm and had the Proconsul asking me for specific assignments he could do that Anubis hadn’t already taken care of. Over the course of my tenure as Consul, the Rybanloth and Kr’Tal projects came together piece by piece with his meticulous efforts. Images, information, and pages all come to and through him and became one. Without his work on these projects, I would not have seen their completion!<br> Also, just as the Clans became houses, Anubis of his own accord compiled the Taldryan Security Service’s OOB into several useful and helpful wiki pages, revamping the existing OOB but also assigning the ground forces into units, brigades, companies and the like. His work in organizing the ground forces, it was pointed out to me by the Justicar and former Taldryan Consul, that it rivaled the amount of work he himself put into the Naval forces years ago after the Tempest Bravo reset. <br> Mind you that Anubis has been, and continues to be, the Aedile and second-in-command to House Taldryan while he completed these projects. As a leader, I found him to be very responsible, highly motivated, and of a higher caliber than most members. Anubis is sharp, vocal, and intelligent; a nice counter-balance to the Proconsul I had for much of my term as Consul. <br> For his work in aiding and furthering Taldryan’s considerable fictional background, for his trepid desire to work for others, and for the leadership he’s shown over the past year, I recommend that this Sapphire Blade be awarded to Anubis Aneddu. Congratulations Anbu.<br> ~Vodo Biask Taldrya<br> <br> Here is where I get right into it. Anubis Annedu is by far the most active member in Taldryan, and even more assuredly one of the most dedicated members and/or leaders this Brotherhood has seen in recent years. His dedication to fulfilling projects and seeing members to find their niche in this club is hardly paired by anyone I’ve seen in action. I’ve heard stories of the greats in the past and what they’ve done for the Brotherhood, and looking at the direction Anubis is going, he too will be one of those members people look back on in the future as one of those “greats”. <br> As such, it is only right that I give an example(s) as to what exactly he has done to merit this award, and I hope it will be used by other members reading this recommendation who wish to be a productive, outstanding member and leader. <br> Before becoming Wiki Tribune, and well before being appointed Aedile of Taldryan Anubis was tasked with by the then CON of Taldryan, Vodo Biask Taldrya to help with updating the well outdated Kr’Tal system information via the wiki. Vodo supplied details for Anbu and his PCON to get working on the project; Anubis dug right in. Tirelessly Anubis worked through this project in a fast-paced fashion, his work load being close to doubled as he ended up working on the rest of the Kr’Tal system and Rybanloth system revamps/edits by himself, a sign of his true dedication to a project that when started appeared as a dismal/daunting task that was not going to end shortly. Nearly a couple of months later, the brotherhood had shifted its way of leadership, and I stepped up to the spot of QUA of Taldryan. Anubis shortly came knocking on my door with a finished and ready-to-launch Newly Revamped Kr’Tal system. I sent it to select members within Taldryan, and they approved it within a heartbeat. <br> One large-scale project completed, Anubis began to work on other small projects I had tasked him with, and shortly thereafter I received the blessing of Grand Master Muz to appoint Anubis to Aedile of Taldryan after hosting applications. Anubis eagerly stepped up and quickly began work on the newly released Ground-Forces Reset, turning it from mere text on a spreadsheet to full on Regiments, Companies, Battalions, etc. on the DJB Wiki. Once again I submitted his work to Select Taldryan members, and once more they approved, this time making mention of the sheer professionalism that the documents held. <br> As if his two accomplishments for his House were not enough, Anubis continues to push forward with his duties as Aedile (And now Tribune of the Wiki). Reports are found near-every two weeks, emails spew across the Tal’ mailing list, and IRC is constantly flooded with his name on the nicklist and it is rare that an event on the Message Boards go unnoticed by Anubis’s prowling eyes. <br> During the Vendetta “Disorder” Anubis brought pride to his home by competing in 7 events for his Order. Though he did not place in any of the events he participated in, it’s not the placement that counts the most, rather the effort. During the war Anubis kept his house updated on the events that were ongoing for their respective weeks. He was also found on IRC pumping up activity where necessary, along with conversing with other members in his Order to work out events. It was clear that Anubis knew his role in leading by example.<br> Over the course of August-September Anubis earned himself 9 Dark Side Scrolls for work done on the Dark Jedi Brotherhood Wiki. This included edits, fixing links, images, official Taldryan House articles, along with his Character Article being nominated for DJBWikipedian of the month. It’s no wonder why Anubis was chosen as Tribune of the Wiki, as he clearly knows it inside-and-out. I feel overshadowed sometimes with the knowledge about some of the various aspects of the DJB that he knows. <br> Anubis is constantly being one of the lead factors to how we rule over our House and home, House Taldryan. Running competitions and writing reports are second nature to him, and being there for his members and other members of the Brotherhood are just some of the things he capitalizes on during a daily basis. I could not be the leader I am without my Aedile, and Anubis is the perfect example of what a good Aedile is and should be. Other Houses aren’t fortunate enough to have such an active, competent AED leading them. Anubis displays his love for this club day in and day out, whether it be running a DJB wide Bryar Bowl, or opening up the option for members to create report graphics for him, or just hanging out on IRC with other members who share the same love. To be honest, I am surprised Anubis has not received an award like this before. Other Houses neglected what special qualities he has, so I hope that this award displays a small bit as to what Anubis truly is worth. <br> Anubis man, this has been a long time coming, and each time I wanted to award you for your hard work you kept starting more things. Finally, I bit the bullet. You deserve this bro, and don’t let all of that text above puff up your head anymore than it is already. ;)<br> -Quaestor Shaz’air Taldryan

Darth Aeternus, 2010-11-07 14:16:18 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Lord Nevan Taelyan
Primary reason

Dark Councilors are both members of the DC, and carrying out their specific offices. When it comes to the Dark Council Anubis has stepped up right away to gives his opinion and add value along the way. He organized and graded multiple competitions during the latest Rite of Supremacy Vendetta as well as is work through the possessions systems to appropriately reward members and Clans for their accomplishments. For all this great work and support of the Dark Council he has earned this Sapphire Blade. Congratulations Anubis.

Lord Nevan Taelyan, 2021-08-13 21:50:17 UTC