Anteian Cross events for Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia

Anteian Cross events
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Phoenix d'Tana Palpatine
Primary reason

Scholae Palatinae battled through the Seventh Great Jedi War to attain the prestigious title of Second Clan. Under the banner of the dragon, fifty three (53) individuals contributed to our final standings - assisting in a multitude of manners across a broad spectrum of events. Of these warriors, I present an individual of great achievement before the Master At Arms to be rewarded for their contributions in this Vendetta.

With three run-on posts of excellent content and description, two entries to the Poetry/GFX Ladder and a mess (4) of Fiction Ladder entries for full marks, we all knew I would be awarding this prized member something for his service and loyalty unto the Clan. What is often not seen, however, is this members love of learning and participating in the growth of CSP. He has completed a horde of Shadow Academy courses, but takes it another step by discussing them with fellow members and driving their activity in these fields as well. Additionally, he spends a lot of time learning the inner workings of the Brotherhood... acting like a sponge to retain knowledge so he can pass it on or display it during our Clan discussions (making his Master look good).

His continued presence, his mentorship of fellow new members, zealous nature to succeed and remarkable GJW7 activity level makes him well deserving of this award. Congratulations, Tra'an... I am sure this is the first of many more to come.

Braecen Kaeth Kunar & Phoenix Olkyssagh d'Tana Palpatine

Phoenix d'Tana Palpatine, 2007-09-10 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Master Dracaryis
Primary reason

Our recently completed Plagueis Pro Bowl clan feud offered all of our members the chance to step up into a high stakes, high activity competitive environment. Tra'an Reith di Plagia showed why the Sons of Plagueis are among the best in the clan, submitting entries to 29 of the possible 30 competitions, and earning placements in three events (2 first place and one second place). Overall since his last recognition on May 9th, he has entered 39 total competitions, earned four crescents (1 Ruby, 2 Amethyst, and 1 Emerald), earned 10 Clusters of Fire and 12 Clusters of Earth through Brotherhood and competition gaming events, and five Clusters of Ice. Tra'an's high levels of activity prove that the di Plagia are the standard bearers for the Clan, both in name and in action. It is my pleasure to recommend him for this award.

Congrats, Tra'an!

Master Dracaryis, 2016-06-24 18:03:49 UTC
Additional reasons

Tra’an had the most entries in our house for this last pro bowl, and placed in quite a few as well! He’s active in the telegram chat and always ready to participate in events and discussions! He’s also participated in 39 competitions and written over 2,000 words of fiction! Excellent work, Tra’an!

Malice, 2016-06-24 17:17:38 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia
Primary reason

Tra’an has been an exemplar of activity over the past couple months, proving once again his dedication to the Clan. During the course of the recent Call to Arms feud, Tra’an achieved first place overall while beating out the best the Clan had to offer. He submitted to all 21 events, placing in 8 of them, resulting in 2 Amethyst, 1 Sapphire, 3 Emerald, and 2 Topaz Clusters. In addition he’s earned 18 Clusters of Fire, 24 Clusters of Earth, and 5 Clusters of Ice since his last award. Beyond his competition activity Tra’an was also a valuable asset in helping to motivate other members during the recent event, loudly present on Telegram for the three week competition while encouraging his fellow clan mates to do every event they could. He brings honor to his fellow di Plagia with his actions and I’m pleased to put his name forward for this award.

Grand Inquisitor Arden Karn di Plagia, 2016-08-24 01:32:04 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Dr. Giyana Jurro
Primary reason

With the dust being settled on The Enemy Below event, the search for individuals begins. Luckily, one need only look as far as Tra’an Reith di Plagia. Achieving maximum participation at 24 out of 24 competitions is by no means a small feat, let alone picking up three placements, which he did. His combined effort across all three weeks was enough to secure 9th place overall.

All in all, since his last recognition, Tra'an has passed one Shadow Academy Course. Tra’an has also entered 27 competitions, taking two crescents from them (1 with a Sapphire star and 1 with an Emerald star). His gaming earnings include 2 Clusters of Fire from 1 PvP activity as well as 58 Clusters of Earth, coming from 12 PvE Activities. On the Graphics front, he has earned 6 Clusters of Graphite. Further showing his versatility he has managed to earn 6 Clusters of Ice. It is welcoming to see that those who have already given plenty of time and effort to the Clan can continue to set an example for newer members.

Dr. Giyana Jurro, 2017-04-12 23:17:53 UTC
Additional reasons

When one looks to an Equite leading by example, one need look no farther than Tra'an Reith. He is a member who continues to be consistent, engaging, encouraging, and all around fun. He is a member that not only competes to win but cooperates to succeed, going out of his way to reach out to other members of the Clan during peak event periods. You represented House Ajunta Pall, Team Odd, and Clan Plagueis spectacularly, and I know you will continue to do so.

Congratulations on an award well deserved. Keep up the amazing work, and keep having fun. You've earned it.

, 2017-04-12 23:17:29 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
Primary reason

Very much a team player, Tra’an Reith di Plagia once again has brought his A-game. The recent Clan RO event in the GJW XIII Discord is no different, helping Plagueis create an in depth and well written story, winning himself a Gold Nova.

Since his last recognition, Tra’an has participated in 21 competitions and finished an ACC match, earning himself 1 Crescent with Diamond Star for 1st place in the Coach’s Corner ACC event. Writing over 1,600 words earned Tra’an 8 Cluster of Ice. He was also awarded 5 Seals of Wrath for GJW XII: Retribution and 2 Seals of Discord for the recent war.

It is my honor to recommend him for an Anteian Cross. Congratulations, Tra’an - you totally deserve it.

~ Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae

Quaestor of Ajunta Pall

Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae, 2019-09-22 18:37:27 UTC