Steel Cross events for Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Liam Torun-Urr
Primary reason

Few members can transfer into a House and succeed without prior experience there. Fewer still can do so smoothly and with vigorous excitement. Tra'an Reith stands as an example of a member who can do both, and then some. Tra'an first approached me as a Revanite seeking a new horizon and some new work, and I told him the same thing that I tell everyone; if you choose Plagueis, you Earn and Succeed. What you do will decide what becomes of you. Tra'an took this lesson to heart.

In a point of irony due to his Shi'ido species choice, Tra'an essentially shape-shifted into an exemplary Plagueian. He stepped into a House that was undergoing massive changes and Reforms and took on its beliefs without hesitating.

Upon arrival, Tra'an was a charming, active, and capable member. He served as a source of strength for a few members without needing to be asked, and as such we offered him the unofficial position of CAG Marshal over our Corps Branch. We warned him that Corps had traditionally been in disrepair, and that he'd essentially be rebuilding the proverbial burnt fort with nothing but a hatchet and a forest for materials. Had that stopped him, I'd scarcely have been surprised, as it was a monumental task. It didn't.

Within the first few days as CAG Marshal, Tra'an had the Corps Branch's fighters organized into wings and across our capital ships and planets. He'd retrofitted the article for the FFC Perdition to act as Corps' mobile HQ, as I specifically asked of him. He found the active members that had never been coaxed out before and put them to work. As such, in the wake of our Reboot, Tra'an has turned the Branch that faced closing for its entire existence into the Branch that has grown the most. All of this, and with no initial intention to utilize, or even foreknowledge regarding, the starfighter. His research on the subject was enough to not only understand his role, but to perform it to perfection in the Taking of Si'Tilk.

Recently, his work here has earned him the official position of House Plagueis Rollmaster, something he's been performing splendidly at even a few days in. These weeks of activity have shown us that Tra'an can Adapt to new situations and tasks. He can Ascend beyond the past troubles and difficulties of Plagueis. Furthermore, when he does these things, he never fails to Avail and reach success.

In literal and figurative ways, Tra'an has embodied the Plagueian motto. Over the past few weeks, his service to myself and my House are an exact showing of why we give merit medals out in the first place. I find Tra'an worthy of the Steel Cross for these great achievements. Well done!

Liam Torun-Urr, 2011-03-11 19:48:37 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
General Ronovi Tavisaen
Primary reason

Up until his resignation from Quaestor of Plagueis, Tra'an proved to be a valuable participant and leader of the house during the first three chapters of the Dark Crusade. Participating in every single event in all three chapters, he was crucial in earning placements and medals in categories such as trivia and the wiki competitions, as well as encouraging several members to do well in the run-on, fiction, and gaming events. His IG work earned him a third place standing in one of the categories, and he continued to lead by example by providing reports, e-mails of encouragement, and continual contact with members. For these reasons, I hereby humbly request that Tra'an be awarded a Steel Cross for his war efforts and his dedication to Plagueis as a now former Quaestor. Thank you and congratulations.

General Ronovi Tavisaen, 2013-06-24 18:23:34 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Primary reason

At this point the best way to describe Tra’an in relation to Plagueis is that he is as constant as the Northern Star. Whenever his Clan and House need him, he’ll always be right there to help. Over the course of our recently completed Restoration: Ascendant feud event, Tra’an participated in eight of the total 11 competitions and took third place in round 1 Puzzle and first place in round 2 trivia. More importantly, however, he served as the co-leader of our battleplan team along with Dracaryis and in so doing oversaw the first place entry in the event. His participation netted him 122 total points and a six place finish in the House feud (and left him trailing fifth place by only two points). Without his individual accomplishments taken along with his stellar work leading the battleplan team, it’s quite possible that the overall outcome of the event might have changed, depriving Ajunta Pall of their victory.

Overall, since his last award Tra’an has participated in 14 events while earning four competition crescents (one each of ruby, amethyst, sapphire, and emerald). Through gaming he has earned himself 384 clusters of earth, mostly through activity in Diablo III. His continued presence, instructional activity, zealous nature to succeed, and remarkable overall activity level show him to be very deserving of this award.

Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2015-08-12 01:05:41 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Dr. Giyana Jurro
Primary reason

A name that regularly appears prominently in Plagueis run events is that of Tra’an Reith di Plagia, the 2017 Probowl is no exception. Tra’an managed to provide entries for 22 of 25 competitions. Participation at that level is impressive enough, Tra’an managed a second place in the Week 2 Flash Gaming #2 competition and 3rd place finishes in the Week 2 Word Find and Week 3 Flash Gaming competitions.

When looking at his activity as a whole since his last recognition, one will find that Tra’an has entered 44 competitions and from them has earned 5 Crescents with Sapphire Stars and 1 Crescent with Emerald Star. Tra’an has also been active in gaming, earning 7 Clusters of Fire from 1 PvP activity and 190 Clusters of earth from his 18 PvE activities. Not one to shy away from writing, Tra’an has also finished 1 ACC match and completed 5 other fictional activities earning him 5 Clusters of Ice.

Beyond that, Tra'an is always there to give his time for his fellow Brotherhood members. A key peer-leader in Plagueis, he has remained a consistent voice in our Telegram channel in the form of mentoring and member encouragement during our Clan feud events. Additionally, for the second year in a row he helped co-organize and run the 12 Weeks a Haiku competition with members of Taldryan, providing Brotherhood-wide activity and further promoting relations between our two Clans.

Always a contributor with his all-around excellence, Tra’an Reith has proved himself deserving of this Steel Cross.

Dr. Giyana Jurro, 2017-09-21 12:31:39 UTC