Grand Cross events for Terran Koul

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae
Primary reason

Invictus has been a phenomenal leader in his tenure as Aedile of House Qel-Droma. Not only has he helped shape and define Qel-Droma after Arcona was reinstated as a Clan, but he has been able to inject some of his own personality into one of Arcona's two great Houses.

Joining Arcona only five months ago, Invictus was a relative newbie to the inner-workings of the Clan, but he soon found his feet. After only a few short days, he was beginning to get stuck in, relieving the work load of his Quaestor with fictional outlines and tasks such as a census of members and their capabilities. He went above and beyond expectations to ensure that all work was completed well and on time, and his ability with words certainly helped when it came to House addresses and reports. He is well-liked and appreciated in Qel-Droma, and his ability is overshadowed only by his personal approach to each and every member.

This was on full display during Qel-Droma's lead up to the war. Invictus eschewed sleep in order to prepare the membership and himself during Week Zero. He was integral to the success of Arcona during the Week Zero debate event and his success further continued into following weeks. Participating in total of twenty-three events, and placing in nine events (three Gold Novae, four Silver Novae, two Bronze Novae) he was the definition of leading by example. He managed this whilst overlooking the House and helping with the day-to-day running of the Clan. Not only this, but he managed to set a precedent as the most thorough and organised proof-reader available. Although he had to relinquish his duties to Ronovi in order t concentrate on the house, for the first two weeks, Invictus was the go-to man for Arconan proof-reading. Every Saturday night he stayed up to help finish off the loose-ends in the Clan. Whether proof-reading, writing the Wiki articles or planning for the Run-On, Invictus was always active, always present and always willing to help.

He has, without a shadow of a doubt, shattered all expectations of him on his move to Arcona. He has brought a fresh and enthusiastic outlook to the Clan and this is reflected in his leadership ability, his participation and activity, and his overall dedication to the Clan.

It is for the reasons outlined above that I recommend Invictus for a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

Congratulation Invictus, You've earned it.

~Wuntila Zratian Entar, Proconsul of Clan Arcona.

Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae, 2011-11-02 15:56:42 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae
Primary reason

Submitted on behalf of Socorra and Valhavoc.

~Wuntila Arconae. Consul. Clan Arcona.

Over the last two phases Invictus has participated in eight of the eleven events which were available, and placed in three of them. He was a part of the 2nd Place Wiki Team from Phase One, the 2nd Place Run On Team from Phase Two, and finished in 5th Place for the Cryptology 201 Competition.

Beyond his contributions to Arcona's Crusade effort Invictus took it upon himself to organize and format a Activity Tracker Google Form which the Clan has used to track when a member submits to an Event. Vic did this of his own accord, and with no prompting by leadership. The tool was so useful in rallying the Clan members that it was a highly anticipated as we moved into Phase 2, knowing how tough competition would be. Again Vic delivered a fantastic product for Arcona's use.

As Phase 2 began Invictus stepped back onto the Summit as the Shadow Gate Battleteam Leader. He quickly was emailing and motivating his team to participate in the Crusade, setting the example himself with full participation in Phase 2. Invictus has also begun work on a massive overhaul of the Clan Arcona wiki, for this project he has assembled a team of volunteers and is coordinating their effort to ensure the Clan's articles are all updated and looking good.

For all of these contributions I am proud to award Invictus with a Grand Cross. Great job Vic!

Valhavoc Aedile House Qel-Droma

Wuntila Zratis Entar Arconae, 2013-03-27 09:19:57 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Primary reason

Invictus is hard to quantify on paper alone. What he is, and what he does for Arcona is hard to put into words. Invictus is not a member of the Arcona Summit. He holds no formal position. That has never once stopped him, however, from asking me, nearly every single day a simple question: “What can I do to help?”

Invictus is opinionated. He is also not afraid to stand up for what he believes in, which can cause him to butt heads with others. Regardless of this, his experience and presence always managed to push others around to do more. He challenges them. Drives them.

Since his last major award over a year ago, Invictus has earned 4 Pendants of Blood, 375 Clusters of Fire, 23 Clusters of Ice, and an LoS. He has also been my primary consultant for all things spreadsheet and data related. He is literally a godsend and a wizard, and is the first person to come and join me in a Google Sheet at 1AM in the morning on a work night to lend me a hand with getting a column to sort properly. He has made countless sheets such as our trackers used to monitor membership activity in Vendettas, and was a fierce competitor himself in them. He was a full participant in the Fading Light Run-On and ACC.

In the Great Jedi War, he once again showed why he’s our 6th man (basketball analogy, sorry) on the Summit. He was able to compete in 9/11 events, while helping our Run-On team secure a 4th place spot. For the Run-On, he really took the lead in organizing us, and had a google doc created within the opening minutes and started brainstorming the outline. His energy and passion are contagious and are what helped a lot of push through the harder times.

Invictus is one of the hardest working Arconans that you’ll never really get to see, because most of the work he does is behind the scenes as a result of him not having a formal position. He is just as important as any other cog to the Arcona System, and I attribute his contributions heavily to our success overall as a unit.

Thank you, Vic, for doing the dirty and not flashy work.

Marick Arconae, Consul Emeritus

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2015-02-24 19:42:09 UTC
Additional reasons

Invictus is one of the most dependable upper-crust non-Summit leaders in Arcona, and he really showed it in Fading Light and the Eleventh Great Jedi War. He is perhaps the most influential member in Arcona that does not hold a formal leadership position and is not di Tenebrous Arconae. He is constantly supporting and advising our Summit in various capacities, helping to chart our direction and refine our policies.

Vic reeled in nine Seals of Revelation in the most recent Great Jedi War, and was a member of some of our strongest teams in the run-on, battleplan, and multimedia events. Prior to that, he was a member of one of our top teams in the Fading Light run-on, a top competitor in the ACC tournament, and a help during the final phase. Seeing upper-level Equites putting in the same kind of work that we expect from everyone else is particularly important for our younger members and our low-level Equites, and it serves as encouragement for those who want to help improve the Clan but are not official members of the Summit.

The example that Invictus sets is certainly one that more Equites in the Brotherhood should aspire to. His work has been tremendously important to Arcona’s success in recent years, and he more than deserves this Grand Cross as recognition of his selfless work. Congrats, Vic!

Proconsul of Clan Arcona

Legorii Arconae, 2015-02-24 19:39:40 UTC

In every unit there are veterans and leaders within the ranks that are essential to the continued success of the unit. Invictus is one of those leaders and I have come to rely upon his talent, experience and unique insight as a former Qel-Droma Quaestor. It’s hard to imagine Qel-Droma without him.

Beyond his invaluable advisory role, Vic is one of our most active veterans, leading the new generation from the trenches. Since his last award for activity in January of last year Vic had perfect participation in the GJW as well as participating in twenty one competitions garnering a Crescent with Sapphire, a Crescent with Emerald, four Pendants of Blood, 375 Clusters of Fire, twenty three Clusters of Ice and a Scroll of the Master for mentoring Verse Theris to DJK.

In recognition for your leadership and hard work on behalf of House Qel-Droma and Clan Arcona please accept this Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

  • Quaestor, House Qel-Droma, Clan Arcona

Councillor Turel Sorenn, 2015-02-24 19:40:14 UTC

Invictus is arguably one of my favorite non-Summit members in Qel-Droma if not the entire Clan. He is more than willing and able to step up to the plate for anything you need, even if it’s a Google Hangout to explain and/or show you how to format a table of contents and footers in a document. Most people would shake their heads and point you to the Help page. But Invictus is not that kind of person; he is a consummate leader and mentor whether or not he’s a formal member of the Summit.

If you’re having an issue and/or cannot figure something out, he is one of the first people to pull you aside and offer to lend a hand. And that’s not even going into his stellar activity in the recent Vendettas and the Eleventh Great Jedi War.

For his dedicated service to the Clan and tremendous efforts in the last few Vendettas, I am hereby recommending Invictus for a Grand Cross. Please take this as a small token of our appreciation, Vic.

  • Aedile, House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona

Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri, 2015-02-24 19:40:42 UTC