Ruby Scepter events for Lord Evio Nezsa

Ruby Scepter events
Event ID
Ruby Scepter
Requested by
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Primary reason

Evant has been an exceptional Deputy Grand Master. In the 11 months since his promotion, he has run multiple major events, contributed to numerous projects, and helped to make the club a better place. As my second in command, he is constantly planning and developing projects for the club and assisting in all major decisions. He is one of the primary architects of our new Faction. More than anything, Evant has a passion for the Brotherhood universe unlike few members. His interest in developing and shaping the experiences of members was on display most recently when he ran GJW XIV to great success. A GJW is no easy task to run - let alone during a pandemic - but Evant did so extremely well. His tireless effort towards making the competition smooth for the membership was reflected in his regular updates and communication with Councilors, Consuls, and the membership.

For his exceptional effort these last 11 months, particularly in his exceptional organization and leadership during the Great Jedi War, I am pleased to award Evant a Ruby Scepter. Congratulations, Evant!

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2020-08-27 19:40:11 UTC