Recently, Clan Plagueis participated an extended competition called the "War of Ascension." This competition consisted of 11 events including 6 fiction and 5 graphic. For placed finishes, a member received corresponding point totals (1st: 5, 2nd: 3, 3rd: 1).
Vivackus participated in all five of six fiction events and placed 1st in every one he submitted to earning him 25 Points; more than any other member in Plagueis. His fictions all tied themselves together and added a lot to his character development.
In addition to his work in the War of Ascension, Vivackus has also been serving as Battleteam Leader of Keto's Vengeance for since mid November and has run three competitions so far.
He has also won crescents for the extended "Braecen said What?" competition on the Message Boards (2 Emerald, 2 Topaz), the Caption Contest, also on the Message Boards (Topaz), and a Quartz Crescent in Warhunter's "History of Satal Keto" Trivia Competition.
Vivackus is an exemplary member in Clan Plagueis and acts as a great role model for those around him.
For his work, I would like to award him with a Steel Cross, his first in his time here in the Brotherhood.
Congratulations, Vivackus.
Master Alaris Jinn, 2008-12-29 09:16:09 UTC