Steel Cross events for Selket KuroHyo

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Many times, individuals desiring advancement, aren't sure what needs to be accomplished to attain their goals. Since the recent paths the Brotherhood has undertaken, the outdated advancement guides of the Houses became obsolete. Thus, a new way of looking at how our members are promoted needed to be addressed.

This recommendation is due to KP Selket's painstaking efforts and contributions to the successful creation of a "standard" promotion system. Within this new system lies the structure of a brave new approach to advancement, and it wouldn't have been possible without Selket's help.

Thanks for your effort and dedication!!!

KAP Dalthid

, 2003-11-27 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

The competition has long been done, the turnout was fair, for the most part. After discussing it with the CHAN, I had come to the conclusion that the original awards were not justified by the level of participation of two particular members of CSK. While the rest of the Clan made their attempts, these two tore through the competition like a juggernaut as they fought and bled in the CSK Bloodbath (ACC). It is with thanks that I would like to award these two, specifically, for their efforts and the impression they left me with of their determination and loyalty to us, the Clan. I completely disregarded the wins/losses, as originally stated by the competition specifics, again, after discussing it with the CHAN and decided to look at the entirety of their efforts as "merit". These two, by far, had the most battles out of the entire Clan - not only with each other, but striving for a diverse group of opponents, some being many levels above their rank. They each became role models for the Clan, through this one competition, and sparked an interest in the ACC from our newest members. They are an asset to Satal Keto and I am sure that they will continue to be, in the future.

With that, I would like to request the Steel Cross (SC) to KAP Selket for her efforts during the CSK Bloodbath - her participation reflects well on herself, her position and Clan Satal Keto.

~KE Dalthid/PCON

, 2004-03-26 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Awarded for recieving the tenth greatest amount of points in the Fifth Great Jedi War.

  • Jac

, 2004-11-16 23:00:00 UTC