During his term, Xander served as an absolute model Left Hand of Justice. His term was a busy time for the Chamber of Justice, and Xander stepped up and met the challenge. He served as defense counsel for three cases, including two which went to trial - one of which was a full jury trial. He performed his duties as defense counsel impressively, always keeping his clients first in his mind, and doing everything he could for them. In addition, Xander was always trying to learn more about the Chamber, the Covenant, and our judicial system. In this process, he discovered several items that needed to be fixed or cleared up. Xander also authored and submitted a proposal to the Justicar concerning procedures for submission of official complaints, which was well written and greatly appreciated. Xander has been one of the best Hands of Justice in the history of the Chamber, and he deserves strong recognition for his work. Thank you, Xander.
Kir Taldrya Katarn, 2009-07-06 08:29:12 UTC