Sapphire Blade events for General Ronovi Tavisaen

Sapphire Blade events
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Anshar Kahn Tarentae
Primary reason

Since her arrival in the clan, Ronovi has been a very active member. She asked questions and dove right into things. This included jumping into a clan run-on as a fairly new journeyman, but she made her presence known. It was in this run-on that the clan leadership identified her as a potential top rate member, though we were hesitant because many journeymen, regardless of skill, burn out quickly. Ronovi’s service to the clan has been extremely active and productive. She is dedicated to this clan and has served as a battleteam leader, an aedile, and now quaestor. She has excelled in these positions, working to improve overall activity and the story of her units.<br><br> Ronovi’s service in the Ninth Great Jedi War is the best example of her overall service. She was personally active herself in numerous events, placing in several events, including winning two bronze novas, one silver nova, and a gold nova. She was part of the run-on guidance team, helping the clan to construct a decent story, and helping it place third in that event. She helped solve one of the puzzle events. All this time, as Aedile of House Cestus, she was constantly in communication with them, and having to pick up a lot of the regular quaestor duties as well because her quaestor at the time got caught up with real life. During the war, Ronovi was one of only two clan members who received battlefield promotions from the Grand Master. All in all, not bad at all for her first Great Jedi War; I am confident that it will not be her last.<br><br> Ronovi and I talk a lot about the clan and the direction things are going. We can bounce ideas off of each other, and she readily and easily serves as an advisor for me. She is always willing to help others, but she won’t be pushed around, either. It is my pleasure to say that Ronovi is one of those who have made it, and however far she goes from here will be of her own choice. It has been a pleasure working with her so far, and I hope to continue working with her in the future. <br>~DJM Anshar Kahn Tarentae, Consul of Clan Tarentum <br>*** <br>It is a rare feat indeed for anyone to devote themselves so willingly and willfully to any endeavor, and yet Templar Ronovi Tavisaen has done just that. Her service to Clan and His Most Royal Majesty, Justinian Khyron, has manifested itself in a multitude of ways. Her willingness to shoulder burden after burden beyond her station and years has led her to become a much relied upon resource by myself and the other agents of the Sith King. In the most recent action upon Antei, when other members of the Clan waxed verbose over their own grandeur and produced little useful suggestions, instead impeding the Clan in their attempts at self aggrandizement, Templar Tavisaen charged to the fore and took command of situations as they arose before myself or Master Anshar Kahn Tarentae could. This willingness to shoulder true responsibility, rather than the vascillating, bluster of her would-be contemporaries, set her apart, earning her commendations from her fellow Summits, her superiors and those members who recognized the machinations of a true leader and not the hollow posturings of pretenders.<br><br> But her impetus goes back beyond the retaking of Antei. In Tavisaen, you have the makings of someone truly invested within the welfare of the Clan - a rarity within our august fraternity. More often, one sees a raw hunger for their own immediate glory in a member. This leads to constant jumping between Houses, Clans and through hoops, hoping that the action will benefit them, not realizing the loss of long term gain. Gain that results in the higher rank they desired, but no real roots or contacts to work with and through.<br><br> The Templar has instead dedicated herself to making herself a part of the Clan, instead of standing apart from any Clan. In Ronovi you have someone who realizes that we ultimately form a team. Some of us are lousy team players, others are great players. Ronovi is the rare member who gets those who hate working with others to work. She elevates those around her, and makes them feel important so that they're willing to work. But, make no mistake, she is not some sycophant out to appease those around her. She is just as capable of popping an overly inflated ego as she is working to inflate a terribly deprived one. And so her service to My Master requires compensation. Such high service, in His Name requires the utmost humility of us, His servants. That on His behalf, I do extends His Majesty's thanks for services rendered unto His Realm, <br>Rex Gratia <br>Maxamillian von Oberst-Tarentae, Marshal <br>***<br> What can I say about Ronovi? What words can I use to express how truly remarkable she is and what an impact to bring upon the entire Dark Jedi Brotherhood and Clan Tarentum in particular. Devotion is one word that comes to mind as she is very devoted to her house and clan; giving endlessly of herself to better everyone. Inspiring is another powerful word that describes her. She lifts the membership up and shows us that there is so much that can be done with the right mindset. In addition to these two words, there is much more that could be said to describe how critical of a member Ronovi is to the Brotherhood, but alas people don’t read three page long citations. Needless to say, Ronovi Tavisaen is dynamic and inspiring leader of Tarentum who puts her clan & her house above herself and gave so much during the 9th Great Jedi War, and continues to do so yet today. Congratulations Ronovi and thank you for everything you have done, you most definitely deserve this honor. <br>Sincerely, <br>Vai Azexel, Aedile of House Cestus

Anshar Kahn Tarentae, 2009-05-17 17:07:18 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Primary reason

Ronovi Tavisaen is a member that has recently made her presence known in Plagueis once again, having returned to full activity levels for the first time in a few years. On either side of that gap, however, Ronovi has put up the sort of activity numbers and leadership work that many who were active for the entire intervening time have not matched. Now that she's made a more permanent return, it is my duty to put her name forward for the awarding of a Sapphire Blade.

In all, since her last recognition, Ronovi has been put together enviable levels of activity. She has participated in 136 competitions (a number I know that does not count some of her early Crusade entries that never made it onto the website) and placed in 28 of them. Those placements have earned her 6 Gold Novae, 4 Bronze Novae, 2 Diamond Crescents, 5 Ruby Crescents, 6 Amethyst Crescents, 3 Sapphire Crescents, 2 Emerald Crescents, and 3 Legions of the Scholar. She has 5 fiction activities for a total of 10,689 words (numbers I know are both under reporting her true total as much of her activity was not tracked by the site at the time), and 27 Clusters of Ice. She has also earned 3 Clusters of Fire and 5 Clusters of Earth as she begins to bring gaming activity into her repertoire and 6 of the new Clusters of Graphite for her graphics. As for Seals, she has earned 1 of Loyalty, 23 of the Crusader, and 7 of Reminisce. She received a rare non-mastor mentoring related Scroll of the Master, for helping Brimstone grow as a member of the Brotherhood beyond simply reaching the rank of Knight. And, as befiting a former Headmaster who is always looking to expand her education, she passed 11 SA courses and earned 2 of the then-new Dark Pundit degrees. Finally, as a leader she filed all 7 of her monthly reports during her tenure as Aedile and Quaestor, and ran a fiction event for the 2013 Independence Games.

Moreso than the raw numbers, however, is what those numbers mean in context. Ronovi wasn't just stacking up random mobile gaming or Trivia competitions, she was really showing up when it mattered. Throughout the third, fourth, and fifth rounds of the Dark Crusade, Ronovi entered 14 of the available 16 events (some of which aren't even tracked on the website), placing 1st in round 3 wiki, 1st in round 4 fiction, poetry, and RO, and 3rd in round 5 fiction, multimedia, and battleplan. Additionally, intervening between the rounds of the Crusade Ronovi entered seven events during the Independence Games and helped get out the entries for House Plagueis during that time. In addition to her own individual placements, she served as either Plagueis Aedile or Quaestor for that time, helping Plagueis continue to win rounds that would eventually lead to our House's victory in the Dark Crusade. The individually-focused member engagement she helped foster both through her own actions and through the guidance she provided to her fellow leaders was invaluable to creating the mindset in the House that everyone needed to compete to their fullest, and that victory was a very real possibility. Ensuring that the Plagueis leadership used one on one engagement and a personalized approach to their members made sure that people were not disengaged as mass-email messages would often do. As a leader in one of the top two summit positions in Plagueis for longer than any other person, her contributions cannot be understated. Following her most recent return back to Plagueis, Ronovi hit the competitive ground running and got back to where she had been during the Dark Crusade. In our just completed The Enemy Below event, Ronovi participated in 23 of the 24 possible events. Competitively, she earned 1st place finishes in all three Fiction events, Poetry, Logic Puzzle, and week 2 Cryptogram, 2nd place finishes in week 1 Cryptogram and Crawl Creator, and 3rd place in week 2 Flash Gaming 1. All told, Ronovi scored 202 total points and finished in first place for the event.

Ronovi Tavisaen is the last of the major contributors to Clan Plagueis's victory in the Dark Crusade that, due to her absence, has not received their due recognition for their contributions. Montressor, Tra'an Reith, Brimstone, Teylas, Eiko, Furios Morega, Arden Karn, and even myself have already taken home the spoils of that Vendetta, either in the form of Sacramental awards or Equite promotions. It gives me great joy to spend the time writing this recommendation and to be the one who finally submits it for consideration, one last piece of unfinished business from nearly three and a half years gone. You fought well for this back during the Crusade, and you have fought well for it in the several months before now. I, and Clan Plagueis, thank you for your contributions, may they continue making a lasting contribution to your adopted home.

Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2017-04-17 02:57:16 UTC
Additional reasons

When the Dark Crusade began, I was Quaestor of then House Plagueis. Ronovi was one of our leading scorers, and churned out incredible finishes, but Slagar has already spoken of that.

I'm here to speak of Ronovi the person, Ronovi the member, Ronovi the leader by by example.

In the Brotherhood, we often run into fatigue when running competitions of any extended length. The Dark Crusade was a constant battle for member uptime and contribution. Ronovi not only contributed, and led by example, but did so with good cheer and good poise.

Whether it was through IRC or through Email, Ronovi was always there to encourage people. She offered to proof read fictions, help troubleshoot ideas, and to be around so that other members could use her as a sounding board.

Despite the long lapse in her presence, NOTHING has changed.

Ronovi the member still leads quietly by example. She still offers to help others, to be available to others, and to cheer on the teams from the front lines, without ever being seen as bragging. She's humble, always cheering for the team to do well, encouraging participation in "doing all the things", and helping to ensure that all members, new and old, know that they have someone they can count on.

In our most recent event, despite repeatedly placing in the top spot, Ronovi kept encouraging others to keep fighting, to keep trying. It inspired Laren Uscot to really pull out all the stops in his week 3 fiction. And while he didn't win, he still felt inspired because of her attitude and camaraderie.

And I quote, "@Ronovi dominating. Love it! Be like Ronnie. But be warned: I'm coming for that fiction title this week. ;)"

Its this persistent leading through example that encourages others and supports the Brotherhood and helps to make sure that all members know that not only is participation is important, but possible!

Ronovi is a shining beacon of activity and we are so very glad to have her return to Plagueis as an active member, leading by example in more ways than one.

Ronovi, I'm proud to be able to finally sign off on this award that you have so richly deserved for so very long.

Reaver Tra'an Reith di Plagia, 2017-04-16 09:53:39 UTC

Ronovi has thoroughly proven to be one of the most invaluable members of Clan Plagueis over the years. She has shown outstanding work and dedication, both as an active and competitive member and as a capable and inspiring leader in the Ascendant Clan (and formerly House). Between her meritable actions during the Dark Crusade and her powerful return during The Enemy Below, Ronovi has diligently worked hard for this.

When the Dark Crusade was in full swing, the Clan was steadily racking up victories and no competitor was more present than Ronovi. Although she won a significant tally of Novae in that event, her best contribution to the clan was her dedication to aiding and encouraging her fellow Plagueians. As is mentioned in Slagar's recommendation, the Dark Crusade resulted in many rewards for the clan, including my own Equite 2 promotion. Slagar may talk about her competitive excellence in numbers, but what I will say of Ronovi is this: of all the members and leaders that drove our momentum in the Dark Crusade, she made one of the biggest impacts on how I developed as a member and who I am in the Brotherhood today. The longer I think about it, the more I'm truly grateful to Ronovi for her inspiration, motivation, and general awesomeness during that time.

In her more recent return, Ronovi has also shown her excellence and dedication to Clan Plagueis with her victory during The Enemy Below, the recent clan event. Completing all but one of the 24 competitions during the three weeks, she once again acted as a bastion of activity and strength in the clan, picking up exactly where she left off after the Dark Crusade. A testament to her determination and capabilities, Ronovi advanced from a respectable fourth place to a first place hold that lasted into a narrow finish that required several tie breakers. She i an amazing competitor and asset to the clan. It's for these imperative qualities that I am ecstatic to offer my additional recommendation for her well-deserved, long-overdue Sapphire Blade.

Warlord Furios Morega di Plagia, 2017-04-16 19:24:06 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Lord Evio Nezsa
Primary reason

Ronovi was Consul of Plagueis for 9 months since her last medal, and in that time her leadership and guidance of the Clan went unrewarded. During this time frame she ran a Plagueis wide event and story development event called The Scourge, then later helping to plan and organize a multi-Clan event with Odan-Urr called The Myrkr Crusade. In total organizing 17 high quality competitions providing members with opportunities and events. During this same time frame participating in 26 competitions as well earning several crescents. For the great work over this time frame as a leader of Plagueis, she has earned this Sapphire Blade. Congratulations Ronovi.

Lord Evio Nezsa, 2021-08-13 21:51:29 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Non-site XP
27 XP
Requested by
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Primary reason

Ronovi has been a steadfast member and leader within Clan Plagueis, holding several different positions across more years than most have even been members. Their work has stood them in fine stead amongst those who have served the Ascendant Clan, through times that were easy and times that were hard. Since their last recognition, they've participated in a number of competitions for sure. However, their having banked over five thousand XP, as yet unspent on medal recognitions, speaks to exactly how much work they have done over the years. Specifically, I wanted to highlight some of their contributions since my time taking over as Consul that have not shown up on activity trackers: Ronni has provided invaluable counsel on the fictional direction of Plagueis over their years at the helm, helping me to bridge the past with the fictional direction moving forward. This work, in an advisory capacity beyond that of a simple member, is exactly the sort of contributions that we value from those that have stepped back from leadership, and that which we see all to infrequently. Ronni's service is one that any member would be envious of, and any Consul would be thankful for. I know that I, for sure, am. Congratulations!

Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2024-07-07 04:35:03 UTC