Grand Cross events for Master Malik Sadow

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Dedicated service to Clan Naga Sadow, especially for increasing activity, and showing marked potential for concern for his House.

, 2003-04-26 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

As the longest standing staff member of the Shadow Academy, Malik has graded a plethora of courses in four different subjects, covering the Sith training of the SA all by himself. He has written (and rewritten) most of the material presented and he's not once let me or my predecessors down in terms of grading speed, accuracy and friendliness towards the members having taken his courses. In spite of Eclectic Pedagog being a little recognized position that doesn't carry much prestige, Malik has shown an extreme loyalty and is a pillar of the DB training system. He has so far received close to no recognition for this work, thus I want at this point to give a special thanks to one who is steady and reliable in the environment of the Brotherhood.

, 2003-12-28 23:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Malik has done a great job in being the EP for an incredible 4 exams more then any other EP. For all of his time, effort, and dedication to the Shadow Academy and the Education of the Sith Order I would like to award a Grand Cross of the Dark Side to Malik.

Spears Tarentae Headmaster of the Shadow Academy

, 2004-10-20 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Malik is a true asset to the Shadow Academy and this award is a symbol of the Brotherhoods thanks for his efforts within the Academy over the last several months.

, 2005-04-16 22:00:00 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
Primary reason

Since his last reward, Malik has worked tirelessly in the background to support the Clan and myself.

Our resident grumpy Dane, has spent 60+ hours working with Locke and myself, discussing and designing Naga Sadow's armed forces. Malik was our army guru, coming up with countless combinations, often on the fly and had multiple spreadsheets set up, just like Locke. While Naga Sadow may have been the last to have chosen their armed forces under the new Possessions, it was in no way a rushed job. The time spent, often talking late at night due to Locke's timezone. The hours spent working out formula and money available for each portion of the fleet/army...

Malik certainly was an asset that I would be stupid not to recognise. Malik is one of our most valued Elders and his opinion is often a divisive one. Yet, his ties to the Clan are strong and he does genuinely care.

In addition to this, Malik has stormed through several of the recent MAA puzzle competitions, often taking first place. Since his last recognition, Malik has participated in 54 competitions, placing in 12 of them. In addition to this, Malik has earned 12 Crescents of varying levels along with 4 Clusters of Fire and 155 Clusters of Earth.

Malik also had a lot of feedback for the recent changes to the Covenant put together by Jac and others. Malik's keen eye saw him provide several points that were recognised and allowed parts of the text to be changed to ensure that these issues were covered.

Malik has also been a font of advice since I've become Consul. I've utilised the resources around myself, having spoken to several of our former Consuls and similar sorts. What worked for them, what didn't work. What ideas could be actioned and how to handle certain problems. Malik has been adroit at providing solutions for several of these issues and is always available to help myself and others, despite how much he pretends to complain about it.

Thank you for your hard work these past few months, Malik. I appreciate the time you take out of your schedule to assist myself and your Clan.


Consul of Naga Sadow

Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2017-05-09 14:42:54 UTC
Additional reasons

Malik is one of those oldies of the Club that are always there when you need them. His promotion assessment, while formidable in itself, doesn't even begin to describe what he brings to the Clan with his presence.

There has not been a chat about any single Club/Clan/House related subject that Malik didn't have an answer for. I've seen him help, and have been helped myself, countless Clan members who stumbled upon a problem. Whether it be lore, administration or just general chit-chat, I know I can always count on him to help out, even if it isn't expected of him.

There's not much I can say that hasn't already been said. Well deserved and long overdue. Congratulations on your Grand Cross!

Evelynn Wyrm, 2017-05-08 14:22:02 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Adept DarkHawk Sadow
Primary reason

It amazes me to actually be a part of the recognition process. Especially when it's an Elder. It is very impressive to see that level of leadership still hard at it within the Club. Adept Malik Sadow has always been that staunch Elder still cracking away at it. As Battleteam leader of Sapphire Squadron within House Marka Ragnos, the Adept leads by example. Participating in fifty nine comps, he is continually setting the bar for the members of his battleteam. He has earned thirty two Crescents and seven Seals of Ascension over these last few months.

During the most recent Pro Bowl VI - Alliances event the Adept shifted his talents in overdrive assisting team Frogdogs garnering a total of thirty six hundred and fifty one points. During the three week event Malik placed each week of the event. The Adept accumulated two third place finishes as well as a fourth, fifth and a sixth place finish in multiple events. Those efforts helped catapult team Frogdogs to another close scoring event.

With leaders like this still kickin-butt and takin-names It is always a pleasure to recognize those accolades. You are a true representation of Clan Naga Sadow. It is with great pleasure to bestow to you this prestigious award sir! Congratulations on this accomplishment!

DarkHawk Sadow


Adept DarkHawk Sadow, 2023-01-06 23:40:43 UTC
Additional reasons

Malik remains a constant figure in Clan Naga Sadow, as much in real life as fictionally. Even after over two decades of being in our Clan he still remains active in competitions and in chat in discord. He continues to set a great example to other members of consistant measured activity clocking up the crescents, and communicates with others with a calm manner and dry sense of humour. In addition, he is an experienced voice in the Clan Summit as a leader, giving feedback on ideas and proposals.

For his contribution both in activity and being an example of a constantly valuable Clan member and leader. I am happy to add my recomendation for his latest award.

Malisane Sadow

Shar Dakhan Quaestor.

Malisane Sadow, 2023-01-01 11:54:34 UTC