I think Jason Hunter, while still struggling in some areas, has shown a dedication that is rarely matched. He tries to keep a positive attitude in the face of adversity, and provide opportunities for advancement amongst his House. While he has been in he position of Quaestor, I have seen him go through peaks and valleys, much as I did in my first days as Quaestor of Gladius.
I do believe that Jason knows what areas he needs to improve on, and I imagine that, as he focusses on those areas, he will continue to rise in status, and in reward for his duties. I look forward tot he day when I will reward him with the promotion to Archpriest of the Krath, but at this time, I hereby honor him with this Steel Cross, a mark not to be downtrodden by any. The Steel Cross shows dedicated service, and loyalty, which are hallmarks of Jason's time within Gladius, both as Quaestor and before.
-KPN Sith Bloodfyre
, 2003-11-22 23:00:00 UTC