Dark Cross events for Teu Buhkari Sadow

Dark Cross events
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Ashura Isradia Sadow
Primary reason

Teu has been a supporting member in the Disciples of Ragnos project. Her presence has been ever constant on #disciples_of_ragnos (the project channel) since the start of the project to the finish. She has been refered to the "giver of cookies" and has given much moral support to all of us who struggled to complete the project. Now, I know a Dark Cross isnt a cookie, but it does look good on your dossier and shows what a outstanding member this Journeymen is; through the high and low moments we all faced...Teu was there for us. Congratulations. - SBM Ashura Megos Isradia, QUA of HMR.

Ashura Isradia Sadow, 2008-04-22 01:09:43 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Jades A Sadow
Primary reason

She has been working hard on finishing her trails to become a DJK. She shows regular presence on IRC and is always participating in the Battle Team competitions. Sometimes being the only one to enter, her most recent entry has given the Night Hawks their first fictional Medal to be awarded for activity. Teu has managed to be one of only 2 members of the Night Hawks to get through the first steps in the Inner Battle Team promotions, and start down the path in the Sith order. Teu has been working hard to help the Night Hawks maintain their Elite Status as well as to further her character development. She deserves this Dark Cross. Excellent work!!

Jades A Sadow, 2008-06-11 20:01:03 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Warlord Robert Sadow
Primary reason

Dark Jedi Knight Teu Pepoi continues to be one of the most active members of House Marka Ragnos. She has completed 10 Shadow Academy courses alone in the last month including earning a Degree in Programming. Along with her excellent activity in the Shadow Academy; Teu has earned 2 Crescents placing in competitions, is currently running the “Unsbreabler” competition for her Battleteam , and routinely can be found in the Clan IRC channel. For her time and effort, House Marka Ragnos is pleased to award Teu a Dark Cross. - QUA Robert Sadow

Warlord Robert Sadow, 2009-11-16 16:07:48 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
End of the Year Gaming
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

For having the 4th highest amount of matches played with 472 matches, I hereby award you a Dark Cross.

OPM Fremoc Pepoi Sadow Fist of the Brotherhood Son of Sadow

Fremoc Pepoi, 2012-01-29 11:42:19 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Teu has gone above and beyond to help our TOR guild members complete a very lengthy quest that is only available a short time. She spent her entire day running several groups of guild members around Tatooine. She is always volunteering to help out other guild members and she is such an awesome asset to the guild.

Thank you Teu for just being awesome! We appreciate you!

, 2012-04-16 19:26:23 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
Primary reason

I’m chucking in this rec for Skye to get a Dark Cross for the hard work she put in during the first two weeks of the Dark Crusade. Skye pushed through rl issues regarding health and college as well as DB issues to get her entries in to gaming, the SA Encryption course and helping her wiki team achieve 2nd place in the Krayiss II wiki event. Skye is yet another of my stalwart Galereans who I can rely on time and time ago to kick arse and she never disappoints. Her hard work contributed to Arcona’s placing and the fantastic showing from Galeres. Congrats, Skye.

Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar

I’m requesting this Dark Cross for Skye, for her hard work, and showing dedication to Arcona during the first two weeks of the Crusade. Although having many real life problems she has actively participated in three events. Competing in Gaming, Encryption and Wiki in which she came 2nd. She has worked hard even though she has had many real life difficulties and tasks as well as assisting in other areas of Arcona but has still been able to take time and help Arcona achieve the position it did. Congratulations Skye.

Nath Voth

Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2013-02-22 16:06:42 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Cethgus Tiberius Entar
Primary reason

I am honoured to be recommending Teu for a Dark Cross. Her level of activity in this recent phase of Dark Crusade has been outstanding. She has continued to help Galeres and Arcona achieve the win on Bhargebba.

She managed to participated in High Value Targets, The Battle for Bhargebba, One Ending, One Beginning, and The Pursuit of Knowledge. Out of all of these events she also managed to take first place in the wiki project.

For her hard work during Dark Crusade, I am proud to be giving her this Merit Medal today. Congratulations, Teu, on the Dark Cross. Keep up the hard work in the future and I look forward to seeing more from you.

Cethgus Tiberius Entar Arconae Aedile of House Galeres

I’m delighted to be congratulating Teu on her Dark Cross. She rose to the challenge when her Clan needed her and was always ready to game with her Clanmates during the Crusade. She’s an active and inspiring member and I couldn’t ask for a better Battleteam member.

Congrats, Teu. You earned it.

Atyiru Araave Acting Battleteam Leader of Dark Forge

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2013-06-28 16:21:38 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Adept Xantros
Primary reason

Since joining the Recruitment Team, Teu has been a fruitful source of ideas regarding various matters, which are bound with recruitment. Apart from sharing constructive comments, she has prepared an interesting video, which may be utilized for the needs of recruitment. This Dark Cross is a small token of my appreciation.

Adept Xantros, 2014-01-03 20:34:11 UTC
Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
Primary reason

Since Teu’s last award, she has participated in five competitions, including four within the Clan Naga Sadow event, Proving Grounds, where she represented House Marka Ragnos. Alongside this, she has worked with me to develop the fictional development of Marka Ragnos as an experienced Sadowan, helping me create the House Event, Homecoming, by explaining the past 12 months of HMR's storyline, who the current enemy were, what they had done, how the Dark Crusade had affected CNS and Marka Ragnos and has always been around to give me information on my members, their likes, their dislikes and why they're not around at the moment. This has given me the opportunity to focus on my task at hand, doing my job as Quaestor.

For this, I’m pleased to award Teu with a Dark Cross. Thanks Teu!

Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2015-06-11 21:13:43 UTC