Steel Cross events for Havoc

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Havoc's performance since joining House Dinaari has been nothing of not astounding. Over the last 3 months he has kept a tremendous presence on IRC, completed over 9 SA exams, participated in 11 competitions and accumulated over 100 CFs. His most recent activity in the IG included the Honorary event, Reverence event, and the Gaming event in which he played 125 matches and earned a whopping 91 CFs. This is nothing short of astounding, which is why I proudly recommend Havoc for a Steel Cross.

~ OP Tarax Eosphoros Kor, Aedile of Dinaari

Since joining Taldryan Havoc has been quite busy, amassing a good sized chunk of activity. While he's not always the most overt member of the House he puts in activity when it counts. What is most important is that he maintains consistent activity and puts it into overdrive in the major competitions. During the 2008 Independence Games he played 125 matches (according to the DJB database) and participated in a few other non-gaming events. Overall he's a good guy to have around the House and I'm glad to be able to recommend him a Steel Cross. Thank you for your hard work, Havoc, and congratulations on the award!

~ OT Vladet Xavier, Quaestor of Dinaari

, 2008-05-25 19:29:24 UTC