Calling all Sith (plus hobby-pilot Obelisk and Krath as well)!
The Shadow Academy is looking for one XvT and one XWA mission designer to create a new, EH-free training battle for the Sith Phase 2 course. This battle should be rather easy to complete but be fun to play. Three to four missions are required (four is preferred, the last one can then be a bit tougher, but still 98% should be able to complete it without cheats).
A good storyline could e.g. be something that starts as a regular SA training flight and then suddenly turns into a Rebel or Pirate Ambush. Use your imagination, but make it a good one - this is the first mission any new member will see!
If you're interested in creating this mission that will see a lot of pilots for a long time, contact [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with a quick description of how the battle will play (what enemies, what goals, any wingmen, etc.)
Thanks in advance for your help (and thanks to SHW Pred who's doing it for TIE...)
KPN Kaiann
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