A New Alliance


A New Alliance


Its been a long time since I've gotten to announce something from my office that actually relates to the original reason it was created. Its true that in the last few months, I have been very hard at work on many things which apply more to the "Advisor to the GM" part of my job description than to the "Finding new alliances" portion, but I have been working to find us allies. However, its also became apparent to me that there are fewer and fewer organizations that truly make good allies... But we have certainly found a good ally today.

After long months of negotiations and communications between their organizations, Grand Master Firefox and Emperor Kaardoon have agreed upon an alliance between the Dark Brotherhood and Force Elite Soldiers. It is with great pleasure that I welcome these new allies. The Force Elite Soldiers are a large, active organization made up of gamers across many platforms. Their website is located at www.fesgaming.com. They've already been added to our alliance section.

I know several members have been involved in making this alliance a reality for several months. I'd like to thank all of those involved in working this out, since this took a bit of time. In the end, it was worth it, though.

Look forward to more information on Interclub updates from the Lord Chamberlain's office soon.

Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Lord Chamberlain

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