WHEREAS on this, the nineteenth Day of April of the Two-Thousand and Fourth Year of the Dark Side, the Right Honorable Dark Side Adept Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae, Consul of Clan Tarentum and Praetor to the Deputy Grand Master does make the following proclamation:
AND WHEREAS the Brethren of Clan Tarentum, Daryus and Welshman have demonstrated Sufficient Merit commensurate with the Covenant of the Brotherhood, and the Trials of Knighthood as ordained by the Dark Counil and the Summit of Clan Tarentum.
THEREFORE, may Daryus and Welshman be recognized by the Brethren of the Dark Side and of Clan Tarentum as Dark Jedi Knights of the Journeyman Class, accorded all Duties, Honors, and Priveleges pursuant to his status and the Covenant of the Brotherhood
IN ACCORDANCE with the traditions of Clan Tarentum, both Daryus and Welshman have been released from tenure under their masters. Furthermore, they now have both the privilige and duty to take upon themselves their own Apprentices to further the glory and power of our Clan.
Signed and sealed on this day
His Excellency, Dark Side Adept Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae
Left Hand of Justice of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi
Praetor to the Deputy Grand Master
The Honorable Consul of the Clan Tarentum
Grand Chamberlain of the Clan Tarentum
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