After four months as leader of the Dark Brotherhood's Player Association, I am happy to announce that we are now established as a major factor in the Galactic Civil War on the Scylla. Not only has the DBPA found stability, but is now flourishing.
The DBPA brings in nearly four fresh recruits a week and have more than 40 highly active members. No longer than 2 months ago, we were struggling to survive with only four or five active members.
Due to our significant increase in numbers, I found it necessary to appoint a governing body to help manage the guild. Dark Adept Khobai Wrathraven of Clan Arcona currently serves as Obsidian City mayor, financial director, and second in command. Krath Priest Spears of Tarentum serves as my liaison to the Dark Council and uniform marshall. And finally, Apprentice Te'le Zalirf my military advisor and Obsidian City Defense Administrator. These three people have been vital to the DBPA's current level of success.
Obsidian City, with the assistance of Obelisk Primarch Dreadnaught's guild, "The Covenant" <coven> has achieved level 4 city status and now qualifies for a shuttleport. We are on our way to establishing one of the few full Metropolis' on the server.
Short Term Goals:
Since the DBPA's establishment as a society, we are currently working on integration of the DBPA into the DB organization more seamlessly. The Deputy Grand Master is currently working on a roster database for us.
The DBPA is also in need of a website. I am looking for someone who can make a professional looking website. Experience with database languages is preferred.
New Game Developments
Finally, we have news on the upcoming Space Expansion! It appears that space combat will be based on "twitch" (player skill) more than RPG factor. This is great news for Sith! I encourage anyone interested to check out the SWG homepage at . For people thinking of purchasing SWG, we are playing on the Scylla server. If you need any help or more information, I can be contacted at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and my mIRC handle is Kelric.
-DJK Kelric
Leader of the Dark Brotherhood Player's Assoc. <db /></coven>
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