Seeing as how everyone has taken the Lord Marshal's announcement completely the wrong way perhaps I should outline a few of my intentions and clear up some outstanding issues by laying down the facts which evidently have gone amiss.
To begin with I want to remind everyone that the Lord Marshal is responsible for the Societies of the Dark Brotherhood, as such it is in best intersts to ensure they grow and prosper. If the Societies do not exist, we have no need for the Lord Marshal. Just like when the Commander of the Guard resigns, or when the Combat Master retires, if the Baron leaves it ends up being the Lord Marshal's area to select a new one or take temporary charge until such time as a new one is found.
I'd like everyone to appreciate the very fact they themselves have made. The Lord Marshal does not play Star Wars Galaxies, which means finding a new Baron will take longer than it would to find a new Commander of the Guard or Combat Master, as the Dark Council won't be entirely sure as to the qualities of all the applicants, so it will be a longer process and may well take a fortnight rather than a week. Considering we require somebody in game to continue to tag new players with <db> that is what has made the appointment of a temporary acting in game administrator necessary, as a fortnight without someone to do that would quite easily result in utter chaos.
I am quite sure that if for example Mav took command of Clan Taldryan temporarily if Kir had to suddenly step down I doubt anybody would raise so much as an eyebrow to it. That is all that is happening here, we have no idea who to appoint in lieu until such time as a new Baron is appointed, and as of such, being one of the few Council members who play the game, and being the loser that I am with far too much time on my hands, it seems logical that I can afford to spend a little more time playing the game for a fortnight to handle affairs in the interim period.
I would like to stress that during that period I will not be making any changes. I will be collecting information such as full member lists and estimated costs of the maintenance of the city per week and other such information to properly assess the future of the guild and our city. From that I hope to bring together some proposals to hand over to the next Baron whose task it will be to decide what changes are necessary.
I stress that again: the new Baron will make any and all changes.
Yes, the Lord Marshal is the Baron currently, but people, please remember: we do have a thing called a database, and it needs you to be in certain positions to actually have access to the administrators functions. If we're going to have somebody continue to add new members to the database as they come in, then strangely enough we're going to need someone to have that position on the database. I don't like to be an ass, but, I'm afraid that I do wish people would think about things a little more simply at times, as it really is as obvious as that.
Likewise don't read too much into my position of Inquisitor, James asked if I had a title I wanted, and I thought it would be somewhat funny considering the history of the position- you know what I'm talking about. It seems my attempt at humour actually went a little too far, as it raised more than the response I was planning for, while I myself couldn't help but laugh, I'm sorry about that, like I say, that was more me trying to have a laugh than a serious statement.
I hope that clears up any misinterpretations of the truth. That said, I'd like to summarise the aims, not of myself, not of the Lord Marshal, but of the Deputy Grand Master, so please, before you go blasting myself, or more importantly McKenna, who quite frankly has been unfairly treated and deserves an apology from a number of people- I got what I deserve for the Inquisitor joke though- please first remember that these requests come straight from the top, so bare that in mind:
Thats it really. You'll all know full well how I'm one of the foremost campaigners to abolish Orders and break the boundaries between Houses, building bridges, getting rid of unnecessary segregation and everything- thats precisely what I want to do here, and most likely the main reason I was asked to help out. There exists a distinct wall currently between the world of SWG and the DB. That is not helpful for either establishment, considering both are the same establishment, as such bridging the gap and integrating the two communities into one will be the central task for the new Baron.
After all, obvious as it may seem people do tend to forget, the Dark Brotherhood is a part of the Dark Brotherhood. All parts of the Dark Brotherhood must work together to reinforce and benefit all other parts of the Dark Brotherhood. We do not allow one Order to dominate the club, that is why we have abolished Order boundaries, to do our best to benefit all three Orders, likewise that is something we want to see happen here, so neither the DBPA or the DB suffers as a result of the other, the two need to work in harmony for our membership.
The second goal is to take into account the views of the regular member of the DBPA more closely. This is not an attack on past leadership but more an attempt to revolutionise the Player Association into something that would be more enjoyable for the majority. When a new Consul comes in and works a sweep of changes for the better of the Clan it is not to say the previous Consul was incompetant, likewise the same is here, so I'll apologise here and now for James if anything has been taken the wrong way. Both Baron Kelric and the temporary Interim Baron Spears did an excellent job. Obsidian City currently stands at 59 members, the Dark Brotherhood Guild at 50 members, the elite Crimson Guard at 7 and the elite Strike Force at 9. That is an achievement, and something that has not gone unnoticed. However there is still much that needs to be done, as any artist would tell you, a piece of work is never finished, there is always something you can make better.
We currently stand on the edge of one generation of players and on the eve before a new generation. Jump to Lightspeed will be out in the very near future and we need to be fully prepared for the launch not still be running around trying to sort things out when it is released. This will make life a little hard for the new Baron, we appreciate that, however it is necessary to ensure we get the most as a club from the new game. This will require sweeping changes for the DBPA, I'm sorry about that, but I'm afraid that is life. I hope the DBPA doesn't feel singled out in that case, as you'll be seeing a lot of changes throughout the Brotherhood for Star Wars Republic Commando later this year as well, this is hardly an act of aggression toward one unit, this is simply the club modernising as new gaming platforms come available. We always moan about not having new games, so in the rare circumstances when we do have new games this Council wants to do its best to take full advantage of them for the club as a whole.
Do remember that, like I said, I'm sure none of you will disput that Jac always puts this club first, which is why I thought I'd make clear that these changes come directly from the top, as he wants to see the DBPA be the best it can be, not just a loose third wheel organisation that isn't helping either itself or the club. We want the DBPA to benefit our members, not every lowlife who wants to just be a hanger on and leech what they can from a club that has spent ten years establishing itself and building a community that has lasted so long.
Remember. We havn't got where we are today by doing the wrong things. This club has existed for many, many years now, and Star Wars Galaxies is practically in its infancy compared to the lifespan of the Dark Brotherhood. The actions may at times look harsh, but as with all children, they do have to be weened early, so yes it may seem a little tough, but it is in the best interests of getting the most out of Star Wars Galaxies. Do remember that the Player Association has up until now mostly been an experimental arm of the Brotherhood. We now want to change that and fully integrate it.
But as I say. That will be the responsibility of the next Baron. I'm just here to handle the admin for the time being and formulate ideas for the future of the DBPA by talking to members both of the Dark Brotherhood full and Dark Brotherhood Player Association alone in game and out to find what the general feel is through the entirity of the Player Association. I've seen the views of a dozen or so on the message boards, but the Guild has 50 members, the city 60, so there is still a long way to go, so please don't jump to any conclusions, my views reflect the views I hear, so they may well change after I talk to the other 80% of the DBPA who currently stand unaccounted for.
If you want to apply for Baron I presume either the Lord Marshal or Deputy Grand Master will be posting something about appliciations today or tomorrow, it's not really my area to say, but if you want to get in early then I guess please feel free to mail myself, James, Jac and Firefox with your application, at the very least the sooner you let us know your plans and the sort of direction you want the DBPA taken it the sooner we can get to work in taking it in that direction. Even if you don't want to apply, your views are always much appreciated.
~ Xanos Zorrixor
since I was second in command under Kelric before he resigned, im seizing command of the DBPA indefinately. Better hope I like the new Baron : P
if anyone has a problem with it, ill block the entrance to thier house with a lamppost, and jack up taxes for everyone else. no joke ; )
muahahahaha ha ha ha.......... ha. haha. ha.
Go Khobai! yo are da man! send in that applycation so we can get this whole ordeal behind us! and let me nominate Demosthenes as governor and myself as Commander of the DB-SF!
You see, sarcastic as your point may be, it only serves to highlight the issues here.
Were the Baron to remain in full contact with the Lord Marshal and Council then people like Jac would be able to approve your position as official, integrate it into the roster fully, give you database access, and we wouldn't need an acting Baron, as you'd basically be an official Praetor sort of person.
However, since there have been communication issues in the past, the Dark Council hasn't been aware of those sort of roles until the last 12 hours, so when someone resigns, we do what we can with the information provided.
Thus why one of the key goals is to better integrate to avoid these problems again.
Actually several months ago it was asked if I could be given access to serve as Kelrics Praetor and help with the administrative side of things and it was turned down cold. So we stopped asking.
yeah... I remember at least two seperate occasions where I asked if Spears could have admin access to promote people and award medals, and both requests were ignored :P
Well I'm afraid that's life, if everyone thinks its all hunky dorey being a Dark Council member then they clearly don't have a clue what the real world is like.
If I need stuff done as SHW I don't just click my fingers and it magically happens, I have to bitch and whine like hell to the right people to get people to do things.
If the Baron wanted that, he should have bitched and whined like hell until it got done.
I'm afraid that's the way things work around here. Don't like it? Well, all I can say to that is too bad, that's what life is like on the Dark Council. Not my problem, not Jac's problem, not McKenna's problem, as the position of Baron isn't going to get any special treatment compared to the rest of us.
Quote -
"However, since there have been communication issues in the past, the Dark Council hasn't been aware of those sort of roles until the last 12 hours, so when someone resigns, we do what we can with the information provided.
Thus why one of the key goals is to better integrate to avoid these problems again."
So like, there was a communications breakdown...
Quote -
"Well I'm afraid that's life, if everyone thinks its all hunky dorey being a Dark Council member then they clearly don't have a clue what the real world is like.
If I need stuff done as SHW I don't just click my fingers and it magically happens, I have to bitch and whine like hell to the right people to get people to do things.
If the Baron wanted that, he should have bitched and whined like hell until it got done.
I'm afraid that's the way things work around here. Don't like it? Well, all I can say to that is too bad, that's what life is like on the Dark Council. Not my problem, not Jac's problem, not McKenna's problem, as the position of Baron isn't going to get any special treatment compared to the rest of us."
But then, there actually wasn't a communications breakdown, and its the PA's fault for not "whining" enough. :P
Now, the PA are whining (well, and non-PA people :P), and it's bad? Okay, I gotcha Goatham. It all makes sense now. :P
You know when I said to move it to the message boards on a more current news post I wasn't joking... however, I'm a nice guy, so I'll just go directly against what I said and waste more of my time saying the exact same points again.
I WAS working on the Chapter IV XvT battle, however it appears you want to make me spend more time on an issue that doesn't bother me... because, as I will say again:
The people whining are those who just feel like wasting this Dark Council members time. The members of the DBPA have already voted on and agreed to the main change to relocate the DBPA in game from planet Lok to planet Naboo.
You see, the members in game are quite happy with the changes. The only people, or perhaps person, continuing to raise a fuss is yourself. I have not seen a single complaint from any member of the DBPA in the last day.
Now, some members have resigned over politics. The politics is being brought about by endless arguing. Endless arguing that people like yourself are not allowing to end. The members of the DBPA have been happy since it was clearly explained to them that Kelric resigned and was not fired like some individuals had led them to believe. As of such, this "crisis" has been over for two days now.
As such, there is NO reason to continue it. Your willingness to continue it is what is bringing politics into it, as you are mixing your facts quite severely. You claim the DBPA are whining, when they are not, the only person I still see doing that is yourself. The members of the DBPA are discussing in a civilised manner how to go about things. The members of the DBPA are happy with the changes and would like to move on. The members of the DBPA would like to drop the god forsaken politics and quit arguing.
You know full well I don't take well to being quoted. You also KNEW when you posted that that I would reply. You therefore clearly posted it solely with the intention of having me reply again.
You have just expired my patience and my time with you.
Waste my time again and I won't be as pleasant as I am currently. This issue is quite clearly not about the DBPA, as I have made it clear that I am not in charge, and that I am only doing as Jac and McKenna have requested, yet you persist with blaming me personally, as do you persist with quoting me, as do you persist with using my name when you complain about the Dark Council.
If you wish to make this personal, so be it. But you will find I am not a forgiving person, I have been more than polite enough to ask for this to be moved to the Message Boards, as have numerous people explained what has happened, not once, but dozens of times now. Coupled with the fact that the members of the DBPA are no longer complaining to continue to post here is blatently nothing more than an attempt to wind me up.
Well, as I said elsewhere. If you really want to wind me up, then so be it. But I assure you if anyone winds me up just one more time you'll find yourself answering to the Grand Master himself.
I am not spending anymore time dealing with pointless arguments.
This topic is closed. The next person to bring it up can talk to the Justicar, the DBPA members have already expressed that there is no issue and that they are willing to move on. Whoever chooses to bring this up again is clearly just trying to stir up shit and cause problems for the DBPA. Seeing as how I'm currently in charge, I'm not going to tolerate that. So anyone who brings us a dead argument again can talk to Yacko, as I'm not wasting my time with you anymore.
You know when I said to move it to the message boards on a more current news post I wasn't joking... however, I'm a nice guy, so I'll just go directly against what I said and waste more of my time saying the exact same points again.
I WAS working on the Chapter IV XvT battle, however it appears you want to make me spend more time on an issue that doesn't bother me... because, as I will say again:
The people whining are those who just feel like wasting this Dark Council members time. The members of the DBPA have already voted on and agreed to the main change to relocate the DBPA in game from planet Lok to planet Naboo.
You see, the members in game are quite happy with the changes. The only people, or perhaps person, continuing to raise a fuss is yourself. I have not seen a single complaint from any member of the DBPA in the last day.
Now, some members have resigned over politics. The politics is being brought about by endless arguing. Endless arguing that people like yourself are not allowing to end. The members of the DBPA have been happy since it was clearly explained to them that Kelric resigned and was not fired like some individuals had led them to believe. As of such, this "crisis" has been over for two days now.
As such, there is NO reason to continue it. Your willingness to continue it is what is bringing politics into it, as you are mixing your facts quite severely. You claim the DBPA are whining, when they are not, the only person I still see doing that is yourself. The members of the DBPA are discussing in a civilised manner how to go about things. The members of the DBPA are happy with the changes and would like to move on. The members of the DBPA would like to drop the god forsaken politics and quit arguing.
You know full well I don't take well to being quoted. You also KNEW when you posted that that I would reply. You therefore clearly posted it solely with the intention of having me reply again.
You have just expired my patience and my time with you.
Waste my time again and I won't be as pleasant as I am currently. This issue is quite clearly not about the DBPA, as I have made it clear that I am not in charge, and that I am only doing as Jac and McKenna have requested, yet you persist with blaming me personally, as do you persist with quoting me, as do you persist with using my name when you complain about the Dark Council.
If you wish to make this personal, so be it. But you will find I am not a forgiving person, I have been more than polite enough to ask for this to be moved to the Message Boards, as have numerous people explained what has happened, not once, but dozens of times now. Coupled with the fact that the members of the DBPA are no longer complaining to continue to post here is blatently nothing more than an attempt to wind me up.
Well, as I said elsewhere. If you really want to wind me up, then so be it. But I assure you if anyone winds me up just one more time you'll find yourself answering to the Grand Master himself.
I am not spending anymore time dealing with pointless arguments.
This topic is closed. The next person to bring it up can talk to the Justicar, the DBPA members have already expressed that there is no issue and that they are willing to move on. Whoever chooses to bring this up again is clearly just trying to stir up shit and cause problems for the DBPA. Seeing as how I'm currently in charge, I'm not going to tolerate that. So anyone who brings us a dead argument again can talk to Yacko, as I'm not wasting my time with you anymore.