House Aleema, Krath house of Satal Keto, is in need of a new Aedile.
If you fulfill the requirements listed below and are willing to take the chance and try yourself in a position of responsibility and command, then please send your applications with subject: "Aleema Aedile Application" to [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
Good luck all and hope to talk to you soon!
CON Darkonian
Requirements for becoming an Aedile -
- Must be the rank of Jedi Hunter or above
- Must have at least 2 months of continuos activity in current House,
Clan and/or Dark Jedi Brotherhood
- Must have IRC
- Must have completed the Leadership Course
- Must respond to emails within 48hrs
- Must be friendly and willing to interact with all members
- Must be able to complete weekly reports on time *
- Must be able to handle a medium email load
- Must be a member of the Antei Combat Centre
- Must be able to appear online at least 8hrs a week
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