Greetings all,
I have finished compiling the results for Chapter Four of the GJW.
For those that were wondering, I did score the multiplayer matches via the rules that I set out at the beginning of the GJW. Those rules can be viewed here.
Please note the rule regarding scoring at the bottom: "A point value will be set for winning a match against a new opponent. As a player repeats matches with that opponent, the value of winning will be decreased until it has reached a minimum. In this sense, it pays to play new opponents. "
Application of this rule: For the first three matches each day against the same opponent people recieved 5 points for a win and 2 points for a loss. The second set of three matches was 3/1, the third set of three 2/1 and the rest were 1/1.
I felt that given the confusion with the rule and the Rules of Engagement (which only allows 3 matches per opponent per week) that this was a suitable system. As a result, Kir Katarn and Taldryan lost over 600 points from subsequent matches. This made the application of points in the 1v1 events more even, giving Lenzar the event win for playing different people.
The results are at these locations:
Excel format
HTML format
Again, I had the results check by my magistrate, Pyralis. He double checked the names versus those people that have transfered clans since the GJW ended. We are human though, so if you are listed in the wrong clan, please let me know.
Please direct questions and comments to me via email.
600 points = owwie!
But good job Jac, thanks for getting things released so quickly!
See, there was nothing to worry 'bout Kir. :P
GJ to Taldryan for (99.9% likely) winning the GJW
Great work, Jac!
All's well that ends well.
And so it seems all that pointless bickering in the last news post was a total waste of time and that actually it has benefitted Clan Taldryan for they're now first and quite a way so from Tarentum which had pretty much dominated up until this point.
There's a lesson to be learned here: in future wait and see before complaining. Hopefully we'll all actually remember that one.
Good work to Jac though, in spite of all that bickering we've still had the results through fairly swiftly, most commendable. Hopefully if everyone leaves him in peace and there isn't the complaining that there has been from the past Chapter results he'll be able to get us the Epilogue one's even faster.
Goatham, please read over the "Rules for posting comments". Opinions should be saved for the Message Boards. The facts are, however, that Tarentum did not "dominate" until this point, it was close all the way through, and we were going by what the system said, and what was fair. Regardless if it benefits us or hurts us in the long run, it's always better to follow the rules. Now shut the fuck up and go away dumbass. :)
Like I said last time... how mature.
Yea like Cannabisia said, it was pretty close up till Chapter III. And it actually hurt us a lot, it didn't help us. We lost 600 points in Chapter III alone, and likely a lot more in Chapter IV. Our point was that this rule wasn't clearly stated as well as it could be and that the circumstances of it being brought up were rather childish. Anyhow, I'm not going to get into it further as I don't want to start another argument.
Great job in getting the results out quickly Jac! The GJW has been a roller coaster ride, being good and bad at times. Overall I enjoyed it even if there were lots of annoyances on the way. However, it's nice that it's almost completely behind us now.