ACC Stuff; Real Quick...


ACC Stuff; Real Quick...

Championship Ladder
The Ladder starts tomorrow. Remember, RoE requests need to be in by 1159pm tonight... as of now, I only have two. If you don't know what the Rite of Exaltation is, you might wanna jump into the ACC Compendium real quick and see if it applies to you; Chapter 9.

Circle of Seven
Currently, all seven clans are represented on the ACC staff. What does this mean? Simply this: Not including myself (or the illustrious web folks), there are 9 members on the staff; versus seven clans with houses and their respective summits... 9 is a lot less. If you have competitions, of any level, that you wish to run in the ACC (baring the DC level comps, of course), run them through your rep. It will be a lot easier for me to deal with them than trying to keep track of all the Clan business and remembering who's who :)

They will bring requests to me, as well as the specifics, so arm them well. I will assume they are speaking for you and you should assume they are speaking for me - unless its something way out there :) I realize this seems like an extra step, but it really helps things here, as well as, adds a bit of direct involvement for the clans as a whole.

Speaking of Competitions
Here is my policy on competitions; I do NOT want to impede any competition that wants to find a place in the ACC, I also do not want to 'micro-manage' any of them (hence the Clan rep). All I ask is that you work out the details so there isn't any guess work. Also, I abhor the idea of Temporary Judges, so make use of the staff and keep the 'extra' folks to one or two... tops. There will always be compromise on both sides, but if you know that coming in all competitions will probably run quite smooth.

Anyway... just that stuff real quick. Thanks for your time and sorry for the long post :)

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