DBPA Report


DBPA Report

We Currently stand at 41 guild members and 33 declared Citizens at Ragnos Stronghold, Karimicus has set down our first parking garage today and our city will be upgraded tomorow.
We lost some of our Imperial Bases but we still have all our Special Forces bases, a total of 6 bases are left and that's still a great achievement for a guild to have.
Our headmaster has returned to the game and joined our guild, we have seen a great influx of new members coming in to the guild and people requesting to join our guild. Soon I will be forced to made new members join the DB and take the test of Lore and give me a dossier number before I allow them to join our guild.
We are currently working on creating an Imperial Demolition Death Squad to destroy Rebel bases in every shape size and form, the IDDS is the brain child of our very own Inquisitor Xanos Zorrixor who lead the team on a attack on the Rebel Guild that had destroyed some of our bases. I am extremely proud of every single DB member in the game, we have proven to manage to work like a team and organize strikes against a vast rebel population...I mean Correlia WAS 90% Rebel till we arrived and the table has turned its now 80% Imperial.
And guys you aint seen nothing till you see our very own Corran Force doing an exotic dance in Hot Pants! I will try to get us a screen shot.
SW Raidoner Oriens Obscurum (Sith)/CMDR-GL:PA/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona [PA: BAR] [ACC: SDR]
SB / GC / SC-SoA / StA-QL / DC-LC / (SNB) / (BN) / Cr-3E-2T / CF-BlF-RF-GF / SI / S:-12M-3R

{SA: U:TL - U:TW - G:LS - G:CM - G:IRC - G:IRC2 - G:ICQ - G:MSN - G:MED - K:CORE - K:GS - K:POET - K:RO - O:CORE - S:CORE - S:ISET - S:ESET - S:TAC}

Umm, do DBPA reports really need to be done on the News page? The majority of the DB doesn't care about SWG, thats like a SGT posting his brigades report on the news - no one cares. I'm sure everyone in-game already knows this stuff anyways.

You dont have to read the report if you choose not to, but like other reports i choose to post it here so that all that do decide to read it will understand what is happening in the game.
Infact i have had people go out buy the game based on my reports and some former players have returned as well.
Unless im told other wise by our GM or DGM i will continue to report the DBPA's progress to all the DB and its members that do care.
Thank you for your feedback-

Uh yeah, I love to read them even when I don't play.

Shadow, lol, thats the same as me asking say the MAA to stop posting because we who don't get medals don't care. Or the Lord Hegemon to stop posting about his report because it does us no good until the product is complete.


Not really Cyris as both those positions involve the entire DB. I'm just sick of hearing about how much these guys think of themselves for playing a game 10+ hours a day.

It is still just a game, and anything they do in game they are rewarded for with items, experience, credits, etc, etc. I don't ask for a GC every time I kill 50 ppl in JO. And because of the first round of GCs, they want more for everything else they do in game. Or did you miss that idiot IRC convo in #db?

Those are good points, Shad, but remember that medals are awarded to the top 3 placing in the Sunday tournaments, plus active gamers often get rewarded by their summit. I also heard that the GCs given out were downgraded to SCs..

Yes the GC's were down graded, however if we as current DB members can help new people learn how to play SWG and introduce them to our web community, I strongly feel that those BD members to diserve some sort of merit. Let me explain why from my point of view.
I have been been a DB member for a little over a year now and I fell in love with our role playing and gaming aspect. I feel that SWG has a great potential for us to share the DB with other fellow SW gamers and by us working as a team and having those guild members that havent joined the DB yet log into our web site and read the DBPA news/Report that will make them want to be part of the DB team. It does not matter what clan we are in, in the DBPA we are one guild all brothers at arms against the Rebels alliance.
And yes if im off from work and theres no chores in my schedule I do play 10 hours, cause our main goal is to reach that DJK status.
I wish You could play the game at least for an hour and you would agree its a great game.

I dont think is fair to say that we ask to be rewarded with a GC every time something cool or good happens within the PA. Yes, its true, we like to be rewarded for playing a game just like everyone else is. And for the GC comment, The last time I earned something over a StA was about 1-2 weeks ago, how long did that take? 1.5 years you say? The members of the PA dont EVER ask for anything, it is givin to us. And its not our fault that we give as much to our community of SWG as you do ranting about everything you dont like.

I want the KHP reports kept off the news page because I don't write poems.

I want the OHC reports kept off the news page because I don't play JA.

I want hte LH reports kept off the news page because I don't like RPGs.

I want the CM reports kept off the page because I don't use the ACC.

I want the CoG reports kept off the page because they don't involve me.

I want announcements about Allegiance kept off the news page because I don't play it.

I think I've made my point. Now everyone shut up and show some respect to people who are doing their jobs, and actually making a damn good job of it. Kudos to Raidoner for actually making an effort and Baron and keeping us informed, something we kept complaining we needed in the case of previous Barons.

End of discussion, take it to the message boards if you want to keep bitching.

Well, for one thing, you can't ADD to a discussion, and then say to stop. That doesn't work very well. Secondly, I believe what Shadow is meaning is, not to "keep them off completely." If you'll notice how the DC reports show up, it says you can choose to click and read, or not. I think he's meaning for Raidoner not to post it as news, but as a report in that form. Honestly, I'm not sure if Raidoner has the access for it, and it is a little extreme. People can scroll over it.

Secondly, yes, they are playing a game. It is a bit of a different game, though. When you're in JO, and you're playing a duel, it goes on until a winner is declared, and then you part the server, and the game stops. We all know that's not the case with SWG. The game continues on without them, if they're not on. Stuff that they've gamed for hours, days, weeks, and so on, can be ruined by other factions, played by other people, who are on at different times. It is a different environment, to say the least.

Yes, I can understand the feelings of not wanting to read through the PA stuff; after all, for people who don't play JO or JA, you don't want to read through the details of every match played in the ICTE. Yes, I can understand Raidoner posting stuff on the news page, wanting to be taken seriously, and as a member of the pseudo-DC that the Guild Leader used to be. The fact is, it's a pointless argument. Raidoner isn't going to stop posting as such unless he feels like it, and people aren't going to stop bitching unless they feel like it.

Move on, pay attention to stuff that matters. One post on the news page isn't a huge deal. Nor is people talking about what they did in a game.

I've been trying to keep quite about posting on this topic however following recent events towards question regarding members getting rewards for taking out rebel bases, unless it is something significant like taking out 10 + bases or organising a massive pve/pvp event (non faction based) I would like to see instead of DC's SC's etc handed out Clusters of Fire as this is a type of multiplayer event, just not all members fighting each other. As for weekly reports for the City and guild should be made, disscussing events of the last week, city events, guild events, roll call, whatever, and that unless it's something similar to the BO assualt yesterday they realy should be kept to the forums.

Ok I'm going to go ahead and end this discussion right now by directing all of you to the JSTs position on using the comments page as an MB. If you wish to continue this discussion start a topic on the MBs.

Anyone who keeps talking will have to deal with the JST, and he gets real angry with this stuff...so I wouldn't test him.