IG 2005 Event Creation Reminder


IG 2005 Event Creation Reminder

**Rant alert - if you don't have reason to feel targeted because you did submit your event, had really and genuinely planned to do so in the next 2 days or are not eligible, please don't be offended :) **

So some of you think because the KaiCat is out of town, you can slack off, eh ? So far I'm seeing 11 events registered on the IG page and 3 people have excused themselves. Considering we have about 45 people who should be reacting to this call in one way or another and it's just three days to go on the deadline, that leaves quite a lot to be done.

So if you're an AED, QUA, PCON, CON or DC member, get your event registered NOW. And if you're an AED or QUA and don't even know what to do because you were never forwarded the appropriate messages, bug your CON until they cough up and give you that data.

Lastly, if you're a non-leadership member and have a great idea, please mail it to me. I might come back to it in case there's not enough reaction from the leaders.

Thanks all and remember: The IG will be only as good as what you contribute to it.

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