I have received a small number of problem reports with the Independence Games submission site, usually SQL errors when trying to submit something. When this happens, please try the following:
(1) If you have not done so - ZIP your submission. It may be that the file is simply too large to be processed (I would assume that files greater than 1MB could possibly cause problems).
(2) If your submission consists of several files and is very large (greater than 1 MB), try sending them in individually, clearly marking them in the comments as "part x of y".
(3) If you cannot upload the file to the IG site but have webspace, upload it to the webspace and send a link in your submission. If you do this, be absolutely sure to inform an IG admin (James or myself) by mail that you did so because we will in this case create a backup copy to prove that you did not change anything after the closing date of the IG.
(4) If you can't get any of the above to work, make a submission without any file on the IG site and then MAIL the file(s) to the listed event host, James AND myself. Note the fact that you mailed the file in the submission comments.
One of these should most likely work - sorry if large files are causing any trouble.
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