Hey you... yes, you. You, who could be winning Independence Games events!


Hey you... yes, you. You, who could be winning Independence Games events!

I just have a little hint for all of you: There's a bunch of events on the Independence Games list that have very few submissions. Like, in a few extreme cases, ZERO. If you don't get the connection immediately: Let's for a minute assume you played that event. Not well, but a legit submission. Now nobody else plays it because they're all too lazy. You've just won an event - putting a nice shiny Crescent on your dossier and a gold medal on your Clan's record.

Okay - maybe you're not that lucky, but even a 5th place means big extra points towards MVP status. And considering the top 10 overall get awards, too, just a few fifth places might go a long way. And who knows, if the other submissions aren't better, your 5th might become a third or even better...

So, go and read over the event list. These poor orphaned events with too few submissions are right at the top to give you a chance to click them without any scrolling (see, I'm making this real easy...)

Look , ma, the event list!

Good luck, and get rid of those zeroes. It doesn't help me, but it sure helps you!

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