Just a brief note for all members to review. In the past, some promotions and medals have been approved even when the requesting member lacks the authority to request them. From now on, this will not be happening. If you cannot award a medal but you wish to, you need to speak to your superior and they need to submit it. Of course, proper submission procedures must be followed. Several paragraphs of fluff are not acceptable for any submission. This does not exclude personal comments or special notes in recommendations.
As to promotions, follow the authority guidelines in the DSC. I realize it has been stated many times that every member has the ability to recommend other members for promotion. It needs to be clarified that this does not mean that every member has the ability to request a promotion for another member. If you lack the authority to promote someone you feel should be promoted, then you need to speak to your superior and make the recommendation up the chain of command until whoever has the authority can submit the request. From this point on, direct appeals to the Master At ArmsÂ’ office will not be considered regardless of rank and position.
These policies are being re-enforced to ensure that all superiors are properly informed and to cut down on superfluous requests.
Sith Warlord Syn Kaek
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