The DCM and I have decided to open the application process for ACC Trainers. We are not 'short' manned, but this time of year for some can be a hindrance to "time" - the Trainers need some help.
We are not necessarily looking for someone with a lot of ACC experience, you can be taught what you need to know, but I will say that it's beneficial for you to have at least a few battles. Trainers, primarily, just need to be able to pick out flaws that contradict the standards of the ACC, which can be instructed, as I said - but what we can't teach is "writing". A Trainer applicant will be a good writer in their own, the applicant will not "think" they are a good writer - they "are" a good writer. You must possess a confidence in your ability, rarely second guess yourself and be able to follow the policies set forth by the ACC senior staff - with no exceptions.
We try desperately to keep the Centre 100% equal across the board, the same level of scrutiny for everyone, regardless of position, rank or affiliation - the ACC Trainer is the epitome of that.
Your responsibilities will include: Training new members while maintaining the required post time limit; Commenting on training battles with the intent of "helping" combatants prior to qualification; Qualifying Initiates in the Proving Ground while possessing the ability to be indifferent and impartial and finally... work for me.
Ask them, I'm sure the staff (and many others :P) wishes I'd handle things differently sometimes, but we have a job to do. Sure it can be fun, but it's a job - probably one of the most thankless in the entirety of the Brotherhood - and they are here because they want to be. Most know I have the best interests of the Centre at heart, and the staff is told that they can leave whenever they want - no harm, no foul, you will be given the same courtesy.
Applicants will apply to myself (dalthidATdarkjedicryptDOTcom) and the Deputy Combat Master, DA Corran Halcyon Arconae (dbhalcyonATgmailDOTcom), along with a CC'd mail to their House leader and one Clan leader as applicable. The application will include the appropriate protocol, reasons why you think you should be selected for the position, a 'blurb' of recommendation from your immediate leadership and an example of your writing or a link to a battle.
We will accept applications for two weeks (until the 17th of December), reserving the right to close applications should we 'find' our Trainer. This is only the beginning. If you are selected, you still have to go through our "trials".
Thanks for your time.
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