ACC Positions Open


ACC Positions Open

The ACC is looking to fill two positions; 1 Trainer and 1 Judge. Before you even apply, reading part 1 of the the staff handbook will save a lot of headaches on both our parts: Once you have done that, feel free to send applications to myself, the DCM and your immediate leadership so they know you are applying. To do well on the ACC staff, you will run low on Clan/House/BT activity frequently, we make no statements to the contrary about that, so having the support of your leadership is a good idea. Apart from that, there are no 'major' requirements other than being able to read, write and generally comprehend the English language. You will face a 'trial' which may range from judging a battle to training an initiate to fulfilling a writing task. The trials for the staff are based on 'how' you apply, weaknesses in previous battles you may have had and (more than likely) my whim - all in an effort to see if you have the skill, can be taught and follow instruction. If you think it's an easy job, don't apply - if your only motives are to boost your own career - don't apply. If you don't know if you want to be a trainer or a judge - don't apply. If you fully intend to blow smoke up my butt just to get the job - don't apply :)

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