After a bit of discussion, a decision has been reached concerning time-outs in the ACC. This is the new policy concerning battles, regardless of length:
Time-Outs with no posts, save the intro (i.e. no combatants posted): Deletion
Time-Outs with 1 post, in addition to the intro (i.e. one combatant posted): Deletion*
-- *If the effort of the single post is above-average; i.e. great level of detail, virtually flawless in grammar, realism and continuity basically an excellent first post you may rate it in favor of that combatant.
Time-Outs with 2+ posts, in addition to the intro (i.e. each combatant posted, at least, once): Rated in favor of the last to post as normal
Training and Qualification are still not included and will still be handled as normal. That is, time-outs will continue to be time-outs regardless of how many posts have been made, if any.
Thanks for your time
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