Just stop.


Just stop.


Over the last few days I have seen more and more personal conflicts than I would care to see. This must be the season or something --various people just aren't getting along.

Regardless of the motives, who started it, or what has been said up to this point, all of this crap needs to stop. This goes for anyone on both sides. You know exactly who you are too without me naming names. Either talk problems out respectfully, ignore the person or bring concerns direcly to me rather than starting a fight.

This is especially true for the people who hold leadership positions. I expect better of you. This is also important in the DB public forums. I could care less what you say in private, but too much of this has spread to the open areas.

Just stop with the conflicts -- it's gotten old and we all have better things to do than to fight over he said, she said.

Thank you.

BTW: If you don't know what I'm on about, just ignore this whole post. :)

I shall put an end to all of this conflict!!!!!!111

Kaiann and his whale lover are leaving. Yay!

The DB may now rejoice, as all will go back to normal, and all shall be well. :D :D :D :D: D: :D :D :D :D

:D :D



Jac I have to wonder why none of this every gets to the CoJ, we have it for a reason and part of that reason is to sort out issues like this, we don't have a system of justice that is open ended that will listen to a charge and respond then there is not really a point of having a justice system at all.

(Plus of course one case gone through the CoJ would put a stop to most of the name calling as it would be seen as unacceptable)

Every time you come on the news page and tell people to stop it seems like you are sending mixed messages you think it is important enough to do a news post but not serious enough for the CoJ to be involved.

I agree these things are almost never one sided but surely it is fair that if it is asked to be investigated that takes place nevermind how distastefully it may be, otherwise it does look like only certain types of complaints will be investigated (and if so this should be stated)

very mature Blade...

hence forth why she got banned from #DBGaming

Ban 1: Was me being a smartass..those that know me well, they understand. And for those that still dont understand let it go....you never will. As a op in DBGaming, we dont need the CoJ to ban you, if you have caused enough of a issue or are deemed to be a problem[as in RoC issues], we can remove you from the gaming channel for a period of a day(under 24hrs) Beyond that Yes the CoJ will be informed and a futher decision to be made. So to the person that got banned...get over it already.....hate see a DJM act like a Journeyman, but if you go..know it was by your hand..noone forced you to leave. If people dont like you...then "Ignore" them.

Ban 2: Im sorry folks, but this was a issue of a person that had caused a major issue, starting from "you cant ban someone without the CoJ" to posting a log....and when even a noramal bystander said...."Thats needs to stay to a pm"
You were not kicked from the channel {as I dont need to add fuel to a already lite fire from the pm}, and a moderation wasnt a fair solution to the problem since the entire channel didnt make a scene.
Had you gotten a kick...that would have just escalted things in the channel....so you got what a small ban, that was undone in a resonable amount of time.

Now we go to what "said" person emailed to there clan.....wow, you made reference to me having "mental issues" "paronia" and you wrote that crap?
hey heres a good one.....GET OVER IT.
If you dwell on what others say about you in this club, you have certain issues that realllly need delt with or you just need to move along. And if you wish to continue with all this drama queen bs...then feel free, but the issue just wont go away. As you wont be changing many peoples minds
If you leave...well noone forced you. Your clan I guess wants you to stay....

You have attacked a promo comment section, sent a rather tasteless email, and asked for the entire clan of CSP to drop down to your level?
Well for what its worth...in two years I have never said much bad about you.....and Im still shocked I said what I did [Sorry, not a appolgy]
but man.....time to let it go.

Personally Jac, I think its the GJW that does it to them. You compete for too long and it just naturally boils over into other areas, like sanity. :P