Cluster of Fire for Sunday Invitational Tournament's and Gaming Nights


Cluster of Fire for Sunday Invitational Tournament's and Gaming Nights

Just since we have alot of new people and I keep getting small questions about what platform gets how many CF's

I know I.C.T.E maybe different. So bear with me.

JA/JO/RC: 1CF for a Win, 1/3 for a Loss

BF1/BF2/XWA/XvT: 3CF's for a Win, 1CF for a Loss

(BF is due to longer play time, and XWA/XvT is in hopes to help those that did come back)

EaW/SWGB/Alleg: 5CF's for a Win, 2CF's for a Loss

(Due to longer play time)

ACCLive: 2CF's for a Win, 1CF for a loss

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