


Just a little reminder that everyone has until the 15th to send in that story or poem, that graphic or media review, or anything else that you wish to share to me for the Arcane Scoop. I do not have nearly enough submissions to do the publication and if I don't get enough I'll scrap it and try again in January. Details can be found on this little message board topic

The Dark Voice is open for articles now. Remember that the DV is a newsletter based on the DB storyline. Articles must be in the journalistic style. You are, of course, allowed and encouraged to write articles outside the storyline. Some ideas for articles are: the final Jac battle, the repairs and rebuilding the Dark Hall or clans face(be sure you clear it with clan summits first), a look back on the GJW, or a look ahead at the future of the DB. These are just some ideas. I'll accept articles until the 5th of October. If you want to write a clan update, get with your clan summit. All articles come to me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or over the DV mailing list at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] The DV is a great way to gain those Dark Side Scrolls! If you have any questions feel free to email me.

~Telona Murrage, Dark Voice Editor and such

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