ICTE Results & ORW Reminder


ICTE Results & ORW Reminder


Here are the results for last weekend's ICTE. Congrats to everyone who participated and got their medals; this weekend marks the beginning of the Outer-Rim War 3: The Subterrel Conflict. For details, go here: www.orw3.net. So come to #outerrim, play anyone from any other club except our own, and report the scores to Orw_Report[at]googlegroups[dot]com. First level crescents up for grabs on each event, plus Clusters of Fire, so I hope we'll have a good time and may the best club win!


<table width="388" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <th width="388" scope="col"> <span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:bold">ICC </span>Hel-Pa Sklib (GE) (30 CFs) <span style="color:#FFFF00; font-weight:bold">ALL-STAR</span>

    <span style="color:#660000; font-weight:bold">Cr-1A </span>Wolvie  (22 CFs)  

  <span style="color:#0000FF; font-weight:bold">Cr-1S </span>Vladek  (18 CFs)

</th> </tr> <tr> <th scope="col">

</th> </tr> <tr> <th scope="col"> Arcona - 92 CFs

  Naga Sadow- 27.33 CFs   

Taldryan - 25 CFs 

</th> </tr> </table>

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