Server and Hosting Issues


Server and Hosting Issues


I have received a few complaints recently concerning the servers used for Jedi Academy. Currently, we have 3 servers. However, it would appear that some members of the DB will only participate on one of the 3 servers. When putting together a match, both sides are to agree upon the settings, including which server to use. I had hoped that there would be a level of maturity in these matters, but I guess I had asked for too much. I do understand that people prefer a certain server for various reasons. This however goes both ways. As such, a compromise should be made. As people do face the same opponents each day, one day one server can be used, the next day another. Unless there is an actual problem connecting with a server, I have seen no other issues brought to my attention which would stop someone from using any of the 3 servers. To no try and compromise, and withhold playing because of a server issue (without any actual problems connecting) can be seen as dodging a match. Please use common sense in these matters.

Also, when directly hosting games (EaW, BF2, etc…) both sides should be agreeing to all the settings. Settings should not give one side an advantage over another. Once again, compromise and common sense should come into play.

If there are any problems with the above, please contact me directly. I can’t know about a situation if I’m not told about it. Thank you

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