-> _It is the time of false hope and waning light. It is the time of demagogues and Shadow Kings. It is a time to reap what has been sown. As the deeds of the fathers have come to weigh upon the sons, so goes the hope of this time. _ <-
Unknown Krath Poet on The Incursion<p>
Midnights black sails unfurl to cover the lands of the Brotherhood in shadow. The Second Darkness has descended upon the lords of this realm and The Mighty will be toppled. From the blackness beyond the edge of the galaxy they came in legion bringing word of their divinity...and the spear.<p>
The New Republic has few allies and the Core trembles before the might of the Yuuzhan Vong as world-after-world falls to their holy rage. Their weapons are claw, fire, spore, and sword, but are of such terrifying biologic design as to render even the great fleets of the Republic impotent. <p>
For the Yuuzhan Vong shun technology, abhor its unclean violation of natures divine intent. Under the austere precepts of their society, no tolerance for infidels exists. No quarter is given. Myopic devotion to a brutal religion and unyielding desire for death in the service to their gods, drives the followers of Yun-Yuuzhan on a Dark Crusade. All those who disbelieve shall be smote from the heavenly spin. Under the dictum of Shimrra Jamaane, Dread One and Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong, there can be no dawn for this galaxy.<p>
The Yuuzhan Vongs grip on the Galactic Cores exposed throat tightens mercilessly, while its all-seeing compound-eye fixes a small cult of Dark Side-worshipping Jeedai in its cold stare. Death is in that eye. The Yuuzhan Vong masters will leave no heretic in their incursions wake. The Dark Jeedai Brotherhood will share the fate of all infidels
it too will have its eyes shut forever
(OOC: The Dark Brotherhood and the Star Chamber have no knowledge of the impending attack. No one will mobilize a defense and no one will have any foresight of what is to come. Not only are the Yuuzhan Vong invisible in the Force, but the Force is currently clouded by an unidentified presence. So in other words....despite the fact you are reading this prologue....in character you have no freaking idea.)
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