ACC Championship Ladder


ACC Championship Ladder


The Fourth Championship Ladder is now open for sign-ups. You can sign-up by logging into the ACC site and clicking on the "Ladders" link. From there, just hit subscribe and you're in. The Ladder itself won't open for at least a couple more weeks, but the sign-up phase may close sooner, if we hit 32 members.

This will be the last Ladder until the title of Supreme Champion is up for grabs. The 4 Champions will fight it out to see who faces the current "Supreme Champion". This is for that fourth and final spot. This is only your chance to really "show off" your skill, and not how many battles you can play in at once. All past winners have earned the right to be called a Champion, and this is now your chance to have this title.

Some of the "rules" for a CHL are as follows:

[CL:1] and above, only (i.e. you must be ACC qualified)

72 hour post time limit

Win/Loss does count

Time-outs are rated at face value (i.e. no posts required for a win)

Post count per round; (1) 6+2; (2) 6+2; (3) 8+2; (4) 8+2; (5) 10+2; (6) 10+2; etc...

Venues selected by CM

RoE allowed upon request only

No 'external/other' weapons are allowed to be brought into the battle (apart from those noted)

CS's for participants of ANY CHL/PCHL may not be approved for changes once the ladder has begun (can be updated once eliminated/battle has been judged for that round)

Weapons are lightsaber(s) and hand-to-hand only (or a "Champion"-level weapon for those below DJK, found in the ACC Armory)

Feel free to send me an e-mail if you have any further questions. Good luck everyone!

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