Hello Everyone,
Due to Timmy vanishing off to real life, I have decided to remove him as Consul of Clan Arcona. The position of Arcona Consul is now open to applications. Applicants must be a member of the Equite Class, previous experience in the position of QUA or higher, and the ability to handle Morg and Khobai on a daily basis. I prefer that applicants are members of Clan Arcona; however, non Clan Arcona members who write exceptional applications will be considered. Applicants should include a thirty day short plan for Arcona and a ninety day long plan. I would like to see these plans include competitions, ideas for generating activity, ideas for improving promotion and retention rates, and ideas for improving Clan Arcona. Applicants should submit their application to Muz and Sarin. Responsibilities for the position of Consul are listed below:
## Position Overview
The position of Consul is integral to the Dark Brotherhood. A Consul leads one of six Clans, the largest organisational unit in the Brotherhood. The Consul is the overall commander of those units, the face of a Clan with ultimate responsibility for those members falling on the Consuls shoulders. Consul is the highest attainable position within a Clan, and as such, there is a degree of maturity and responsibility that one must have when becoming Consul. As overseer of any and all Houses in a Clan, the Consul ensures that all of its members are active and engaged while the various leaders within the Clan are meeting the needs of the members.
A Consul will guide and direct the leaders in their Clan, training and helping those who are new to a position of power. Such training is key, as the Consul is charged with ensuring the long-term success of the Clan by having members trained to replace their generation. Communication with newer members is vital as well. Consuls must both welcome the newest members of the Clan while ensuring both Clan and House Envoys are maintaining their own high levels of communication. The Consul is also the voice of their Clan on the Dark Council, ensuring that information is passed along both ways so that neither party is kept in the dark.
The Consul represents the Clan and its members in discussions and votes on important issues within the Dark Council. Lastly, the Consul must still be a source of activity for the Clan. Whether it be running his own competition or leading the Clan in Clan Feuds or DB-wide Vendettas, the Consul must make activity within his Clan a priority. Finally, a Consul will be expected to contribute to the ongoing projects that the Dark Brotherhood has, as well as any Clan or House level special projects. When all is said and done, everything that you do as Consul should be for the betterment of your Clan.
* Oversee and ensure the cohesive operation of all Houses in the Clan
* Work with the Grand Master and Brotherhood administrative staff to ensure that there is proper communication, activity and cohesion throughout
* Report to the rest of the Dark Council and the Clan on a regular and consistent basis
* Liaise between the Clan and the Dark Council: you represent your Clan on the Dark Council, and report important and significant Dark Council happenings to your
* Have read and be familiar with the various Alacrity documents available on the Dark Brotherhood website
* Promote competitions, both internal and external, in which your members may participate
* Run Competitions internally; with other Clans and organize Clan feuds
* Reward and promote members of the Clan where appropriate
* Responsible for training new Summit Leadership
* Provides constructive criticism for subordinate leaders
* Guide all leaders, from Proconsul to Battleteam Leader, in their growth
* Welcome new members of the Clan and ensure smooth operation of Clan and House Envoys
* Manages any Clan Promotion Guidelines (APP through DJK)
* Maintain a Clan Website
* Maintain and develop a Clan identity including recording of Clan history, detail possessions and all other fictional aspects pertaining to the Clan
* Ensure that the Clan information in all Brotherhood publications, such as the Dark Voice, DSC, Codex and Covenant, are up-to-date
* Conduct himself in a mature and professional manner, leading by example both in terms of activity as well as adhering to the rules of conduct set forth by the Dark Council
* Leading in and being part of various projects either at the Dark Council level, or Clan and House levels as well
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