Invincible, the final installment of the Legacy of the Force Series, is now on shelves. In this ninth novel, Luke Skywalker is faced with the decision of whether or not to kill the newly minted Dark Lord of the Sith - Darth Caedus. Jaina, Jacen's twin sister, is also tasked with realizing the truth behind her destiny as the "Sword of the Jedi." Read the final book that lays the groundwork for the reemergence of the Dark Jedi and the future of Darth Krayt.
For those of you whom are fortunate enough to live near Indiana there is an added benefit! Troy Denning - author of Invincible - will be in Westfield, IN at Barnes & Nobles tomorrow, May 15th, to sign his newly released book. The festivities start at 7PM EST. The first 500 will receive Dark Horse comics, the first 1000 will get a free mini - compliments of Wizards of the Coast - and everyone will have a chance to meet the man behind the dramatic conclusion to this series!
If you need directions or have questions, please contact me via e-mail ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]).
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