--posted on behalf of Alexander Anderson--
Hey Football Fans,
This year I have decided I would like to run a DB Fantasy Football League. I know this has been done in the past, so I am hoping we have lots of fun doing it this year as well.
For those you you who don't know (those of you who do, bare with me for a moment) Fantasy Football is a game in which participants draft real-life NFL football players. Scores are recorded based on statistical on-the-field performances. The league is arranged in a head-to-head format in which each team plays against an opponent eac week. At the end of the season the win-loss record determines the leagues qualifications into playoff brackets. The players then play head-to-head in the playoff brackets in order to win the League.
I am going to be running this league from Yahoo Fantasy Football. You can find the page at http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/ . In order to join you will need a yahoo account.
To Join click Join a League under Football '08, then cli8ck join custom, enter the league ID and password as provided below, and follow instructions to set up your team.
The League Information is as follow :
League ID#: 38454
League Name: Dark Side Football
Password: sithspawn
Draft Type: Live Draft
Best of luck to all who decide to play.
-Alexander Anderson
House Marka Ragnos Aedile
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