Seeking Aedile


Seeking Aedile

On behalf of Quaestor Alaris Jinn:

With the recent changes within House Satal Keto, I am seeking a new Aedile to assist in House duties. Applications should include a 30/60/90 day plan, a listing of your previous experiences and any additional material you may believe helpful to House Satal Keto and Clan Plagueis.

There are some requirements:

_*Minimum rank of Dark Jedi Knight

*24 hour turn time on e-mail

*Access to Internet Relay Chat (IRC)

*Previous leadership experience_

Please send all applications to myself ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), Proconsul Yzarc ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and Consul Braecen ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). I look forward to receiving applications from interested individuals before the deadline of October 1st.

In Service,

Alaris Jinn

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