Yes, you read correctly. After years of there being no unified promotion requirements for the Brotherhood, we have finally come up with something to supplant the various Clan guidelines for promotions from Apprentice to Dark Jedi Knight. You can find the new requirements at: The Wiki!. They are currently only on the wiki since this allows us to make changes to them quickly if we need to. Effective immediately, these requirements supplant and overrule the current Clan guidelines for promotion. In order to be eligible for a promotion, you must have fulfilled these requirements.
In designing this system, we (the Dark Council) took the current Clan guidelines and amalgamated them together to find common requirements. We then supplemented this overall standard with things that we felt needed to be included. These requirements were approved by a vote of the Dark Council including the Consuls.
I do not pretend that these are perfect. We honestly have no idea how well these will function in reality. To that end, I am asking all Clan and House leaders (and Masters for that matter) to evaluate this system and give me feedback when problems arise. If we find systemic problems, we will adjust the requirements to address them. Hopefully, few adjustments will be necessary.
I am opening a forum topic for discussion of the new requirements. It can be found here:
Lastly, I would emphatically stress that these requirements are a mere stepping stone to another, larger, more flexible system that we are currently working on. We felt it was important to have a Brotherhood-wide standard out now since work on the next version of the system is dependent on a great many variables that we havent yet adjusted. Rest assured, when we have more definitive work completed on the next (and hopefully final) version of the promotion requirements, youll be sure to hear about them.
If you have any questions, you may post them in the forum topic or ask your Consul for clarification.
Dark Jedi Master Syn Kaek
Master At Arms
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