Qualification Battles in the ACC


Qualification Battles in the ACC


Although I mentioned it in my report below, I just wanted to take this one piece out for everyone, as it's one of the more important points in the report. Although we still have staff to handle qualification battles, we are asking all of the Clans to also help their own members qualify. That means anyone who has previously qualified can help someone else in their Clan qualify. Below is the information we need to set the battles up.

  • Pin numbers of both participants

  • Full names and the ranks of both participants

  • Weapons to be used by the participants

  • A venue to fight in (if no venue, we will decide at random)

Please send that information to myself ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and Dalthid ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and we can get it opened for you. It's also a good idea to cc you opponent.

Remember, we are using the Old Character Sheets for these battles, and the final judgements will still be done by staff. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to shoot me an e-mail

DJM Halcyon Rokir

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