Well, that was quick. Also going to put up a quick intro post, here.
Before we go too far, I want to thank Sarin for his years of service, for one of the best Great Jedi Wars we've had, for the consistent reduction in drama and a refocusing on building the site into a more interactive and immersive experience. Despite working from an active deployment in Iraq, despite working 12 hour days while here in the states and all while having two children born, Sarin has been a strong guiding hand in this club. Also, much appreciation for the 'iron desk letter', Sarin.<p>
While I'm thanking people, I'd want to thank the DC for ratifying me and the Star Chamber for not smacking me with a veto. It means a lot to me that you guys think I can do this job without setting the whole thing on fire. <p>
Most everyone knows me, either as Deputy Grand Master or as Herald as I was before. I am a professional graphic designer by trade, so a lot of the contributions that people will have seen from me come in the form of graphics, but that's not all that I do, by a long shot. There's a lot of things I have learned under Sarin, and I think that for the most part, this should be a seamless move.<p>
Oh boy, have we got plans. I intend to continue Sarin's legacy in making the website more engaging for the members, more interactive, and more purely fun stuff to do in the way of meta-games. There's some fun stuff planned, and we've already been working pretty hard on the components to getting this done. I know I've been pretty shy on details with some of the big stuff I'm working on, but that's more to avoid the pitfalls of missing planned launch dates. Big projects go off schedule pretty often, and rather than get people all disappointed, I'd rather just have them log in one day and have a huge pile of cool stuff to check out.<p>
But we have some important stuff that has to happen before that. I do want to start the Great Jedi War on time, March 1st. We've had some necessary delays already, but I think we can still press forward with that start date, and I'll be doing everything I can to make it happen.<p>
We also have some work to be done from the seneschal side of things. Sarin's mentioned some revisions to the site infrastructure to make us less vulnerable to the sort of attacks and injectors that hit us hard earlier. Obviously, we need a stable site before we make it better, because frankly, if it's down, it doesn't matter how fun it can be. So yeah, Orv and I are going to be pretty close over the next few months. :P<p>
With my promotion, I'm going to be opening DGM up for applications, but with the war, I don't want to rob any of the clans this close to a major vendetta event. If you think you have the chops for it, build up an application and get ready to send it to me. If you're applying for this job, you should already know how to apply for a position, so I won't go into it here. If you're not terribly familiar with what the job entails, you will want to do some looking around. The Wikipedia articles are a good start. I'll be making the application process official after the war is over.<p>
To be brief:<p>
Thanks, Sarin! For all your hard work.
Thanks, DC! For trusting me to not mess things up too badly.
The Great Jedi War will still go as planned on March 1st. Raken is probably going to hate me, but we can make it work.
Don't apply for DGM, yet. But get ready for it.
Big stuff planned in the future, everything from site coding upgrades to super secret projects that i don't want to pop the surprise out of just yet.<p>
If you guys ever have any questions, concerns, feel free to hit me up on IRC or shoot me an email. I try to keep my response time quick, but I am often logging on IRC. If I don't respond to a PM within a few moments, drop me your email address in there, and i'll get you the answer that way.<p>
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