Just a quick announcement regarding awol checks here.
Some of you have noticed an email coming from the MAA's office, doing an AWOL check. This is a new procedure we're doing instead of having the clans run sporadic checks on their own. If you have received such an email, it is terribly important that you respond in the manner proscribed. If you do not, you will be removed from the clan and sent to the rogues. You may always request a transfer back, as usual.<p>
With the MAA doing these AWOL checks, they will be done differently from many of the house and clan run AWOL checks. There will be no exemptions. It will not matter if you are of a specific rank, or if you hold the clan title or not. If you do not respond to the AWOL check, you will be sent to the rogues. If you are in a position in the clan, you had best respond to the AWOL check in order to maintain your position. The ONLY exemptions are for those of you on official LOAs, as set by the function under administrative options when you log into the site.<p>
There are a couple of reasons that we will be doing this. First and foremost, it will be to give us an idea of exactly how many truly active members we have at a point in time. Knowing how many people are actually in a clan or house is a necessary tool for leadership. For example, to keep new leaders from burning out trying to motivate activity out of people that just aren't there. It'll also help to justify when units need to be expanded or condensed. Another benefit is that it is one less thing from an administrative standpoint, for clan leadership to do. This will free up their time and energy to do what is really needed...to get people motivated and active.<p>
As noted by Kaek's update: going rogue does not cause you to lose your clan name, so there is no real penalty for going to the rogues. If you come back from a bout of inactivity for whatever reason, simply log into the site and request a transfer back. It's that simple.<p>
These AWOL checks will go two clans at a time, and currently it is Arcona and Tarentum. They will last for two weeks, and then the next two clans will go up. Right now, the current plan is to hold these twice a year. If anything changes with that, I will be sure to let you know.<p>
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