Over the last week we have had a number of individuals upload images that are just way too big to the Wiki. So here and now I'm laying down some ground rules - I will update the "guidelines" and whatnot later.
If you upload an image, it cannot exceed the dimensions of 800 x 600 pixels - not that you need an image to be that big for the Wiki. This does not affect current images already uploaded. But if it's frickin' big shrink it down to an optimal size.
If you upload an image, please do not use the PNG format.
On a side note, we do not have a Teräs Käsi page on the Wiki. If you need to link to it, use the old and reliable Wookiepedia shortcut like so: [[starwars:Teräs Käsi|Teräs Käsi]]. In fact, make sure to update your pages to have the Wookiepedia shortcut and not the full length link - it works a lot easier and looks a lot better (no arrow).
You can also do this for your dossier [[dossier:153|153]]
Thanks gang
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