Applications now open for CNS PCON and HMR QUA


Applications now open for CNS PCON and HMR QUA

Hey everybody,

We're now accepting applications for Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow, to try and find a worthy successor to Ashura. The standard criteria apply:

Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow:


  • Hold the Rank of Equite 2 or Higher

  • 24 hour email turn around under normal circumstances

  • 72 hour email turn around time under constrained circumstances

  • Experience of leadership at a House level preferred

What to place in your application:

Any ideas or suggestions you have for improving the Clan

Past Leadership experience in the Dark Brotherhood

Any recommendations you feel may help your chances of being selected

Any special skills you may possess that give you an advantage over others who may apply

In addition, all applications are going to be judged by both myself and Ashura, so you need to convince Ashura that you can follow in his footsteps!

In addition, we're also opening applications for the position of Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos- if you want the chance to lead one of the most fictionally-rich, prestigious Houses in the Brotherhood (the Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master's old stamping grounds, nonetheless) then get in touch with an application explaining how you meet the following criteria:

Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos:


  • Hold the rank of Equite 1 or higher

  • 72 hour email turn around time

  • Previous experience of leadership at a House or BTL level preferred

  • Any ideas or suggestions for improving the House

  • Any recommendations that may help your chances of being chosen

We'll accept applications for both of those positions up until the 11th of October, in two weeks time. Good luck!

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