Per the request of Grand Master Muz, here is the latest edition of clan notes for Clan Tarentum, posted for all to see.
Random Quote
"It's all guesswork and a white coat."
-George Carlin
** Introduction**
Greetings Tarentum,
Welcome to a quite full edition of the clan notes. I know, it has been awhile since I've gotten a long version out, but that will be explained. For now, though, just sit back and enjoy,because I know how much you enjoy "long" reports ;P
You will get to see these notes in e-mail, on my reports section, and even on the main page. Muz has asked the Consuls to do this to help keep the main page active. I think it might be some ploy to eventually get ads on the site, and then Jac and Muz can split the proceeds and run away, leaving us empty handed :P Ok, I admit... Jac wouldn't do that :P
Clan Story Line
The big news is that the clan story line is kicking back up. I got behind, but I'm now getting ahead as best I can. I understand that the storyline on the forums might seem a bit jumpy, but at the moment I only have time to hit the highlights. And, it also allows me to insert an additional event for fun, and to get you guys involved in the actual writing of the story (since we don't have a run-on at the moment).
We are still in part two of the story arc, called "The Obsidian Blade." This is one of the longer parts of the story arc as I have it planned out, but I did this ultimately because it would allow me, and thus the clan, to try some different type of events. This round includes a battleplan (crappy map attached), continued graphics, a new gaming round, and a flash game event. Yes, I've decided to see how the clan will react to a flash game event.
And, the extra event for this part of the competition is a fiction event. Simply submitting to this event will add two points to your score, regardless of placement (crescents will be up for grabs as well). Write a short story (not more than 2 pages) detailing any events and discussions en route to the location of the Obsidian Blade. Who do you ride with? What are your thoughts about this mission? Can be serious or funny.
New Events:
Medals and Such
I am behind on awarding some medals for previous story arc events. All medals will be awarded after "The Obsidian Blade" ends, but before the next segment begins. If, perchance, I try to start the third segment without awarding medals, you may all beat me. And there are some other medals and promotions coming as well...
Oh, and I should note that participation has been low thus far. Free medals are up for grabs if you participate.
Clan Leadership Changes
In House Cestus, Vai had to step down as aedile. Taking his place is Ji K'awiil, a long serving member of the house. Taking over for Ji as Rollmaster is Adien, who has come back to active duty after a time away. Thanks to Vai for his hard work, and thanks to Ji and Adien for stepping up.
Personal stuff (before the DB wide news)
I am very grateful for your patience recently. I have been very busy in real life, most recently with the flooding here in Georgia, and a sick girlfriend. She's better, and the floods are gone, but just in time for me to go on vacation. I will be out of the country this time, so I won't have computer access. However, I do have a notebook and several pens, and I will be writing, especially on the planes.
There is also a very likely chance that I will have to go to Colorado when I get back. It looks like one of my company's divisions is going to go on strike. As a member of store management, I will have to go help run the stores and train temporary workers. I do have a Blackberry that allows me to do almost everything I need to do, save for make updates to the clan story.
Again, thank you for your patience.
**DB Wide Stuff**
1. Oberst has opened his Dark Sage Writing course, which is the most challenging, but most beneficial, course that is offered from the Brotherhood. Contact him with any questions.
2. They are still planning to have a Rite of Supremacy in January
3. The Chamber of Justice is taking applications for the Right Hand position (which essentially is the DB's prosecutor)
**Final Thoughts**
We all know that real life can throw some curveballs at us, and we have to make some choices. My choice is to stay with the DB and work so that you guys have fun. Fortunately, the people in my life are quite understanding, and they let me do it. I hope you guys are having fun, and I fully accept my responsibilities to you. All I ask in return is your participation.
Thanks, and have a great night...
DJM Anshar Kahn Tarentae
Consul of Clan Tarentum
"Where ignorance is bliss, knowledge is a curse. For even those who have learned from the past are sometimes doomed to repeat it."
-Preview for Kiddy Grade Episode 10 (Rebirth/Slave)
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