Why is Shikyo Acting British?


Why is Shikyo Acting British?

Because of my new competition to help kick off the Herald Holiday Season! This year, I have come up with a competition for all the dark boys and girls. It is a fiction/graphics competition where you write the Dark Council as members of the James Bond universe. If you have any issues thinking of something or don't know what James Bond is, look it up on Wikipedia. The rewards? 2nd Level Crescents for those who place and 1st place gets a set of custom robes...

Ya'll thought I forgot about that, huh? Ha! So, there is a chance for custom robes on this holiday season. Competition starts now and ends on Dec. 15th. Good luck to all and have a blast!

(P.S. I'll have a report for everyone this week.)

-KPN Shikyo Sasuke Keibatsu

Herald of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood

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