Crunch time!


Crunch time!

I will be on a limited IRC status until December 15th (maybe sooner if all goes as planned) If you have any questions or you need assistance see Fremoc First or any Dark Council member, then email me if it cannot be resolved if I happen to not be on. Grand Master RG exams will still be graded when they come in.

Fremolious is in total charge of the Gaming channel. Other questions can be directed to any other ops in the channel if Fremoc is not around. If anything is still unresolved, either email me, or wait for when I can get on IRC.

I will be tallying the results at the end of week 2, and week 3 when they get done....Those that know how to get a hold of me if you need something that Fremoc cannot answer or handle you will have an email shortly to those that I trust unconditionally.

Peace out,


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